I thought you were joking

311 5 0

Warnings: none
Word count: 424
Sorry for the lack of updates, my writers block has been crazy! Requests are always open so please dm me if you have one! Thanks for 6k btw I love you guys!

I sit on the floor, my close friend Eddie across from me. I was playing with my cat and he was strumming his guitar, the usual. It was moments like these when vivid memories and past experiences flashed before my eyes. And today I'd begin the remember all the times I'd "jokingly" insult people.

I was the kind of person who was kinda blunt and sarcastic but people seemed to enjoy it, maybe it was entertaining. It was a result of growing up without parents, I'd been raised by my alcoholic aunt and she sculpted who I am today.

"Whatcha thinking about y/n?"

"Hmmm?" I snap back to reality

"What're you thinking about?"

"Nothing really."

"Nothing?" Ed asks



"Remember when David asked me if he'd look good with a moustache?"

"Yea, you told him "David it would look so bad, it doesn't match your personality or your style! Besides you'd look so dumb." He says, doing a terrible impression of me

"I do not sound like that!"

We both laugh. Eventually Eddie leaves and I go to bed.

Days passed and I'd been wondering how to tell Eddie that I liked him. I was hoping that he'd say something first but even if he did I probably wouldn't take him seriously and I'd think he'd be joking.

I walk out of school and into the sun. I planned on getting my homework done early to do something fun. Which was ruined when I felt someone grab my wrist. I immediately pull my wrist away in fear when I realise it's just Eddie.

"Holy shit dude you can't scare me like that!"

"Sorry." He laughs

"So what's up?"

"Nothing...wanna come back to my place?"

I nod and we walk back to his place. His mom greets us and we walk to his room where I quickly finish homework.

"Hey y/n?"

"Yea?" I say looking up from a textbook

"I've gotta tell you something."

"Go for it."

"I like you...like a lot. Like more than a friend."

"Haha very funny." I roll my eyes

"What?" He says

"I said very funny."

"Funny?" He looks at me in confusion.

That's when I realised he wasn't joking.

"I thought your were joking?" I say


"Holy fuck. Ed I like you too, like so much. Like a lot."

He pulls me into a kiss, immediately diffusing the tension. His lips were perfect, just as I'd imagined.

"Sorry." I say

We both laugh. That's exactly how I pictured it.

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