Stained shirts part 1

389 6 0

Warnings: none
Word count: 653

It was a snowy night, my apartment freezing cold and the fact that my heater was broken didn't help. I gathered up all the blankets I had and folded them in piles on my couch. I decided on having a movie night, maybe I'd invite someone over.

I walk to my phone, picking it up and dialling a number, Eddie's number.

"Hello?" He says

"Hey Ed! So I'm having a movie night and was wondering if you'd wanna come?"

"Sure sounds fun."

"Great, it's really cold here by the way, my heaters broken."

"That's fine I'll just bring extra blankets."

"Alright see you soon."

I hung up the phone and made popcorn and snacks. I was lucky he lived only two apartments away from me so he could pretty much come over whenever. It was nice living by my best friend.

Two minutes later he knocks on the door. I open it to see him with a few blankets and an extra sweatshirt. I noticed he was wearing a white tank top.

"Hey Ed sorry it's so cold."

"It's not so bad, at least you've got like a million blankets."

"Yea, aren't you gonna be cold? I mean you're wearing a tank top."

"Nah I'll be fine."

We went to pick a movie and settled on watching Grease. We then got under a few blankets and started the movie. About fifteen minutes in he wraps his arm around my shoulders, slowly pulling me closer to him.

We nearly finish the movie when I hear the phone ring. I rush to pick it up.


"Hi is this y/n?"

"Yea, who's this?"

"It's your uncle Patrick, I've got some bad news."

"Is everything alright?"

"You're aunt died yesterday."


"She had a stroke and passed."

He then abruptly hung up. Tears started spilling from my eyes, cascading down my face.

"Y/n?" I hear Eddie

I kept silent, tears still spilling out. My aunt was the one that raised me after my parents death. She was the closest thing I had to a real mom and now she's gone.

I hear Eddie walk into the kitchen.


I sniffle, trying to wipe away the tears.

"Woah y/n what happened?"

"My aunt died."

"Oh y/n I'm so sorry come here." He pulls me into a sweet hug

"It's ok Eddie it's not your fault."

"Well no but it's still a huge thing. Didn't your aunt raise you?"

"Yea, she raised me when my parents died."

"Wow so you must've been close with her."

"Yea, she would've liked you I think."

"Really? Why's that?"

"Well she liked nice people who are respectful and responsible and funny."

"You think I'm all those things?"

"Of course Eddie, you're like the best person I've ever met."

"Wow thanks a lot y/n."

He kept talking about random things, trying to get my mind off of the death. He told me stories, some fiction some real, he told me jokes and about song ideas and even about when he lived in Holland. He somehow managed to keep holding me in a safe hug for what felt like hours.

I finally peel apart from the hug, tears no longer sliding out.

"I'm sorry Eddie."


"Well I know we were supposed to watch a movie and have a fun night."

"Hey that doesn't matter now, you're aunt died and the movie is kinda irrelevant. You've got bigger things to deal with and I'm just here to help."

"Thanks a lot. One more thing."


"I got makeup on your shirt."

He looked down at his shirt seeing a few small stains.

"It's not a big deal really, I'll wash it."

"I can wash it now if you'd like?"

He agrees, taking off the shirt and throwing it into the wash. I let him stay the night and we both snuggled in my bed.

Eddie Van Halen imaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat