New kid part 2

130 3 0

Warnings: none
Word count: 944

I clean up the small house for Eddie and the guys to practice. I made sure to clear the area for all of their equipment and even got drinks and snacks if they needed them.

Soon enough I hear a knock on the door.

"Hey! Y/n! Thanks for letting us practice here." Michael says

"Yea sure no problem." I hear the phone ring in my bedroom

"We'll try not to be too loud." Eddie says

"Yea sure I don't mind, I'll be right back." I rush to my room

I sit on my bed after picking up the phone.

"Hello?" I say

"Y/n, it's your mother."

"Oh mom, hi."

"How is America?"

"It's good, people are friendly."

"Good. I hear you've been going out a lot."

"Yea." I nod

"You better be getting your work done because I can bring you straight back home."

"I know."

"I'm being serious y/n, and with your aunt not being able to monitor you anymore I really have to keep watch on you."

"Wait why can't my aunt monitor me?"

"You haven't heard?"


"She's dead y/n, you probably would've heard if you don't out all your time and energy into that stupid rock music." She scoffs

"She's dead?!"

"Yes. Of natural causes."

I take a deep breath before speaking again.

"Mom I was wondering if you could send over some money? You know so I don't starve to death."

"No, that won't be necessary."


"You don't need it, I have a feeling you waste it anyways."

"No- mom- I." I curse under my breath in anger

She hung up. I sigh in defeat, worried about money, and apparently now my aunts dead, so that's new.

I walk outside of my bedroom and see the guys setting up.

"Everything ok?" Eddie asks

"Yea, fine." I nod "I'm gonna go for a walk."

They all nod, Eddie a bit more worried than the others. I exit the house, slamming the door and putting a cigarette between my lips.

I angrily walk to the liquor store, picking out a bottle of vodka.

"You look young too be buying this." The cashier says

I roll my eyes and pull out my fake ID, handing it over. The cashier closely examines it, looking back and forth between me and the ID. They finally let me pay and I stomp home.

I open the door and see Eddie plucking away at the strings of his guitar while David hopped around singing some lyrics.

"David, let's have a break." Eddie suggests, setting his guitar aside as he walks up to me.

I discard the receipt and grab a glass.

"Vodka?" He asks


"Cool, so is everything ok? I heard you shouting on the phone."

"Yea, everything's fine."

"Sure? Cuz it's totally ok if it's not fine."

"Ed it's fine I swear." I lie

"Fine ok, what time do you want us outta here?"

"Doesn't matter, you can stay as long as you like."

"Ok." He sighs in defeat

I pour myself a glass of vodka before walking back into my bedroom and slamming the door shut. I place the glass on my side table, sitting on my bed and thinking over the conversation I'd had with my mom. What the hell was I supposed to do? And my aunt died, and no one had the decency to tell me?  I take the glass in my hands, taking a large sip of vodka before slamming it back down, burying my head in my hands. I hear the music stop and my front door shut, Eddie and them must've left. I then hear a gentle knock on my bedroom door.

"What?" I sigh

Eddie walks in, walking over to me.

"What's wrong?" He asks, sitting beside me

"Nothing." I mumble

"I can't help you do you don't tell me." He says, pulling me close to him

"I don't need help." I say sternly

"You don't think you need help."

"That's cuz I don't."

"Come on y/n I can help you."

"I don't need your help!"

The room went silent. I curse under my breath, I didn't mean to thrash out on him like that.

"Fine but will ya at least come here?" He asks

I turn around and walk towards him, a guilty look on my face. He extends his arms, inviting me in for a hug. I hesitate, almost gagging at the thought of a hug, it made me sick after my parents kicked me out.

"Sorry." I mumble "I didn't mean to get mad."

"It's good y/n, I know you didn't mean it." He says "I just wanna know what's up that's all."

"It's really nothing important."

"Alright." He says

I look up, seeing he was still holding his arms out. I finally fall into his arms, surprised that I wasn't repulsed. It was comforting and warm. I sunk further into his arms as they fell around my waist.

"Did you spend the rest of your money on vodka?" He laughs

"Maybe." I smile, burying my head further into his chest

"Well there's the first problem." He smiles

"Yea I guess so."

I look up, seeing his eyes perfectly caught in mine. He leans in, gently brushing his lips over mine. My hands ran across his neck as I fell further into the kiss, almost drowning in the scent of his cologne. His lips flawlessly moved against mine, ridding of my goosebumps and chills. I slowly pull apart, my hands falling gently onto his chest.

"I love you." I whisper

"I love you too." He replies, kissing the top of my head

Eddie Van Halen imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now