What are you looking at part 2

339 6 1

Warnings: none?
Word count: 723

It was the day of my date with Eddie. I had showered and was now deciding on what to wear. He said it wasn't too fancy so I decided that I'd wear some sort of cute dress. I flip through my closet, deciding on a black satin mini skirt over some sheer tights and a long sleeve black shirt and my platform boots. I spray some perfume and do my hair and makeup and make my way downstairs.

The doorbell rings and I walk to open the door. I see Eddie standing there with some flowers. He's dressed in jeans a white t shirt and blazer.

"Wow you look amazing." His mouth almost hung open

"Oh thanks." I say

"Oh these are for you." He hands me the bouquet

"Thanks so much! Let me put these in a vase before we leave." I invite him inside

I grab a vase and trim the flowers to fit. They were beautiful red and white Roses. 

"Ready?" I say

He nods, walking me out to his car and opening the door for me.

"So how are you?" He asks

"I'm good how are you?"

"I'm good, the band is really hitting it off." He smiles

"You're in a band?"

"Oh yea, I'm on guitar and my brother plays drums."

"Oh cool! Do you have any original stuff recorded?"

"Not yet, we've got to get a record deal first."

"Oh, well when you do you should totally let me know I'd love to hear it."

"Great." He smiles

"So where are we headed?" I ask

"You'll see."

The rest of the drive we chatted and listened to music.

"So I heard that you loved art and all that so we're going to an art museum." He says

"Really? Oh that sounds so fun!" I smile

He laughs, parking and opening my door for me. We walk into the building, paying for tickets.

"What do you wanna see first?" He asks

"Not sure, I've never been here. We could just wander."

"Sounds fun."

He holds my hand in his, we slowly walk around admiring all of the paintings and sculptures. We see all different sculptures of things from humans to chairs to random objects.

"So do you make art yourself? Like paintings or anything?" He asks

"Oh no, I wish I could but I always admired it more than I could do it myself." I laughed

"What do you like to do then?"

"I write some poetry and play bass but I haven't quite figured out what I wanna do yet." I say

"You play bass? And write poetry? Poetry takes some real talent, you must be really smart." He says

I smile, walking into another room. We walk around for a little while longer, chatting and such. We soon exit the museum.

"That was great Eddie thank you."

"Of course. Wanna grab something to eat?"

"Are you sure? I mean I totally will if you have time."

"Yea it's no problem."

We drive to a pizza place. We order and eat while chatting. I start to really like him, he's kind and brilliant and very humble and humorous and not to mention hot as hell. We exit the restaurant.

"Thanks again." I say

He smiles, nodding his head. He grabs my hand and starts walking.

"Eddie where are we going?"

"Its a surprise..you have time right?" He asks

"Yea I've got all night."

He walks to a doc, the moon shines on the water and his eyes sparkle.

"I used to come here a lot when I was a kid. I'd skip rocks across the water."

He grabs a flat rock and stand behind me, grabbing my hand and showing me how to do it.

"Like this, you hold the stone with your thumb and middle finger and throw it across the water."

The stone skips across the water. I spin around, smiling at him.

"Y/n I really like you."

"Eddie I really like you too."

He cups my face in his hands, leaning in kissing me gently on the lips. I kiss back, standing on my tiptoe to reach his height. The kiss becomes more passionate, his tongue slips into my mouth. I pull apart, my hands resting on his chest.

"Y/n...be my girl?" He asks

"Of course."

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