Sorry part 1

212 1 0

Warnings: alcoholism
Word count: 775

My moms recent death had taken a toll on me but no one knew that. Or at least I'd like to think that no one knew that.

I'd been constantly skipping school, drinking a lot, sleeping until two in the afternoon yet no one questioned it, that's how I always was.

I wake up at noon, maybe I could make it to school. I got up and changed into a velvet skirt and black crop top with a long black jacket.

I head out the door, stopping to get a slushee with vodka. Finally I arrive at school, it was lunch so I assumed I'd see my friends outside. I walk around the building and see Eddie leaned up against a tree, Alex standing next to him, David talking to some cheerleaders nearby and Michael chatting with Alex.

I'd felt so guilty how I'd been so selfish. I hardly ever hung around my friends anymore, I'd sorta pushed them away. Well sorta, I'd see them once a week or so.

I slowly walk up to the group, hoping to casually hop into the conversation.

"Y/n!" Alex exclaims

"Alex!" I say sarcastically

"Holy shit y/n where have you been?"

"Around." I say

"Yea apparently." David says, walking over

Eddie stayed silent.

The rest of the day was pretty normal, I showed up to class and did my work.

The week dragged on, I showed up to school at lunchtime every day. Eddie didn't talk much like he used to, I was closer with him than anyone.

It was finally Saturday, I could get hammered without consequence. I walked down the street to the bar, my fake ID in my pocket.

I walk up to the bar.

"How may I help you?"

"Hi I'd like a jack and coke please." I say, handing him my ID

"I'll have that right out for you."

The night went on, I kept ordering drink after drink after drink. I'd had beers, cocktails, shots and more but I kept going. I started to feel the effects of the alcohol but ignored it. I had another shot and at two a.m. finally decided to head home.

I stumble down the street, my vision blurry and my head aching. I trip into my empty house, trying my best to make my way to my bedroom. I crash into things, breaking them and unintentionally trashing the place. I finally get into my room, collapsing on my bed with tears streaming down my face. I just wanted to escape.

Eddie POV:

It was three in the afternoon, y/n hadn't answered any of my calls. I decide to just go to her place and see her. I walk through the streets and finally make it to her house.

The door was left unlocked so I let myself in after minutes of waiting for the doorbell. Walking in I see broken glass everywhere and flowers littered on the floor. I walk up the steps and knock on her bedroom door, no answer. I quietly open the door and see her asleep, makeup smudged on her face in the shape of tears that might've fallen. Her hair is a mess and her room is littered with empty bottles of whiskey, vodka tequila and even beer.

I walk over to her, gently shaking her.

"Y/n?? Hello? Y/n?"

After a few minutes she finally stirs awake.

"Who is it?" She asks

"It's me, Ed."



"What're you doing here?"

"Y/n what the hell happened. You kinda disappeared without telling anyone and now your bedroom is littered with vodka bottles and your house is empty except for a broken vase."

"It's nothing Ed."

"It's clearly not nothing."

Tears started to form in her eyes, she was clearly holding back. She gets up and rushes into another room.

I gave her some time alone, cleaning up the brown vase downstairs. Thirty minutes later I knock on the door.

"Come in." She says

I enter a large bathroom, she had been sitting against the door. I sit beside her.

"Y/n what's going on?"

"I'm sorry."




"I've been such a fucking bitch! I don't go to school, I hardly talk with you guys, I drink all the fucking time, I'm a complete mess." She started to cry

I pull her into a hug, her head buried in my shoulder.

"Y/n I just wanna know what happened."

" mom died."

"What? Isn't she the only one you lived with?"

She nodded.

"Hey it's ok we're gonna get through this."

We sit there for hours, she's in my arms.

Eddie Van Halen imaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz