I always though rockstars were jerks

515 9 1

Warnings: none?
Word count: 911

I sit in my bedroom, dreading this party. My best friend had told me a few days earlier that one of our favorite new bands Van Halen were hosting a party at a near by bar, and she wanted me to go with her. They weren't very famous yet, but were hosting this party for a new crowd and to get some recognition. Although I wasn't too keen on the idea, I still wanted to make an impression so obviously I'd dress nice and all that.

I wear a latex mini skirt and a lace brallette and throw on a black mesh top over it, exposing the detailed lace of the bra. I curl my hair and brush it out so it creates soft curls that perfectly frame my face. I create a bold slowly eye look and use a bold red lip. I finish the look with gold jewelry and black platform high top converse.

I grab my keys and head to the bar, dreading every second of it. Just before I enter, I spray some extra perfume. I notice my best friend is already here. Walking over to her, I compliment her outfit. I notice how short her dress is, she's really looking for that drummer to notice her.

"Oh my god y/n! Ahhh you look gorgeous!" She says

"Oh haha thanks a lot! I'm excited to watch you flirt with that drummer." I giggle

She makes a face, and we walk inside. The place isn't packed but there's quite a few people here. All sorts of people too, ranging from hippies to stoners to metal heads to geeks to middle aged men. Maybe tonight won't be all that bad.

We order drinks, and my best friend rambles about how hot she thinks the drummer is.

"And y/n, his name is Alex! Isn't that name sooo hot!!" She squeals

"Yea sure whatever you say." I laugh

"Which one do you think is hot?"

"I'm not into rockstars. They're the kind of guys to use you for a one night stand and never call you again. And if they wanna date you, they'll probably cheat on you with hundreds of groupies." I say

My friend shrugs, leaving to go find Alex. An hour passes and I watch the bands frontman flirt with every girl in the building, occasionally checking the time or getting a drink. The bassist is at the bar, asking for a discount on the jack daniels. I scan the room looking for the drummer and happen to notice him conversing with my friend. They'd actually be kinda cute together.

I finish my drink and decide to go out for a smoke. Exiting the building, I reach for a cigarette and lighter. Minutes pass. I hear the door open and shut, and watch as someone lights a cigarette. I roll my eyes, it's probably one of those rockstars.

He walks over to me, taking a long drag from the cigarette that he so carefully placed in between his index and middle finger.

"Hey." He says

"Hi." I reply

"Bored?" He asks

"Yea I guess there's not much to do in there but drink."

"Yea." He laughs

"I guess it is a bar so that's kinda the point." I say

"Yea. I'm Eddie by the way."


"I'm the guitarist for Van Halen."

"Nice. Must be fun being a rockstar." I say sarcastically

I can tell he's surprised I'm not falling head over heels for him. Being a rockstar has its perks, but so does being feminist.

"Well since we're both bored, wanna go on a walk?" He asks politely

"Yea why not."

We walk around the area. He talks about how passionate he is about his playing and hopes to make a record. He also explains how his lead singer is giving the band a bad reputation with all the girls he's fucked tonight.

"Yea so that's pretty much why we haven't gotten a record deal yet." He says "So what do you do for a living?" He asks

"Oh I work for (restaurant name) as a waitress, but I've always wanted to do something with writing or poetry or whatever." I say

"Poetry? Wow that's cool. It's like songwriting but without the song part." He laughs

I've started to really like him. He doesn't seem to be a lying, cheating, drug addicted rockstar, he's different and wholesome.

"You know I always thought rockstars were jerks." I giggle

"Why's that?" He asks

"Well I'm not sure, I guess I never really liked the idea of a guy that would cheat on a girl with a few groupies."

"Oh yea. I'm not too fond of it either but our singer Dave loves groupies, like a lot, a little too much."

We both laugh. We talk about tons of random stuff. We finally make it back to the bar, stopping before entering.

"Y/n, I kinda really like you." He smiles

"Yea I've come to like you too Ed."

He gently takes my chin in his hand and pulls my lips closer to his, connecting them with soft passion. His hands fall to my waist, and his lips move perfectly with mine. He pulls apart, smiling.

"Y/n would you go out with me?" He asks

"Sure." I hand him my number

"Great, I'll see you tomorrow maybe?"

"Yea sounds good."

He kisses my cheek and leaves me a blushing, flustered mess.

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