Stadium tour

262 5 0

Warnings: none
Word count: 768

"It was amazing! There were flashing lights and the way the sound just echoed across the entire place was insane! And the crowed sang- no screamed along with David as he was practically yelling the lyrics, and don't even get me started in Alex and his drum solo! Man y/n I really wish you could've been there, it was totally amazing." Eddie beams. I'd been listening to him talk about Van Halen's first stadium tour for the past five minutes. Don't get me wrong, I could listen to him talk for hours but there seemed to be something he was holding back on, something he wasn't telling me.

He beamed at my reflection in the vanity, smiling at me before I ran a brush through my hair.

"Sounds great, I would've loved to be there." I nod, swiping lipgloss over my lips as I stare into the vanity

"Yea it was totally great. And the roadies were great too, not a single one of them was rude or anything."

"That's great." I smile

The room falls silent and I see Eddie pacing through the mirror.


"What's up?"

"I hear that you have dreams of Alex winning miss America." I laugh

I watch as he clutches his stomach as he laughs. My face falls, something was definitely wrong. He'd never laugh so hard at something so stupid, even something about Alex winning miss America.

"Who said that?" He asks, chuckling

"I did....actually it was Alex's girlfriend."

He scrunched his face. "Why'd she say that?"

"Well she said you have dreams of him winning Miss America, that's quite the performance-."

Before I could finish, Eddie falls onto the bed, howling in laughter. It was almost concerning how much he laughed, it proved he was definitely hiding something.

My smile faded as I started to word my question carefully. I wasn't even sure if I was piecing the correct words together, I was going to say it anyways. I waited until he calmed down before I sit on the bed beside him.

"Zit je iets dwars, schatje?" I ask. He knew it was serious if I was speaking Dutch, I rarely did

He looked around the room in confusion, his brows furrowing. "Me?" He points to his chest, chuckling as he sits up.

"Yes you!" I giggle "You're the only other person here."

He started to take his shirt off, shaking his head as he stood up. "Nah, it's nothing to worry about."

"Come on, It can't be that bad if you're laughing about it."

He looked over his shoulder at me, shrugging. He still had a small smile on his face but I could tell he wasn't happy about what he was about to say.

"You know I love David, he's a great frontman, he really knows how to please a crowd and hype them up, but man I wish he would let some of the rest of the band get more attention ya know? Like Mike hardly gets any recognition, Alex too. And they're pretty important ya know? It's like he makes the rest of the band feel less important. Like there's no way the crowd is forgetting the beat in Alex's drums and......what?"

The look I gave him ceased his rant, he knew I had something to say. It was more of a seriously look than shut up you're boring me look. But I've done it so many times he knows when the stop now.

"Ed if you ever think for one second that you, or Alex or Mike are less important than David is than I'll just have convince you other wise! Alex is like the John Bonham of Americans rock n roll! And Michael is practically the American John Paul Jones, and you're far better than Jimmy page." I say "And there's no fucking way anyone is forgetting a single one of your concerts, let alone a stadium concert! That's gonna stay with them forever Ed!" I rant


"All I'm saying is that you guys are a band, Van Halen, not David lee Roth and the Van Halen's. You guys are fucking iconic. And I mean every single word, schatje."

Eddie smiles and opens his mouth to speak again.

"Bedankt, y/n."

"I'm fucking serious Ed, and if anyone has objections they can personally answer to me."

"I'm sure they will." He laughs, placing a soft kiss on my lips "ik hou van jou."

"I love you too, Ed." I reply, standing on my top toes to place a kiss on his lips to copy him.

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