Drowsy part 1

277 3 0

Warnings: none?
Word count: 414

It was one of those days. You know, the days when you felt sad for no apparent reason? And yea, it made me feel terribly guilty to feel so glum when my life really wasn't all that bad. I had a roof over my head and food to eat, clothes to wear but still I was upset. And for what, I couldn't say.

I lay in bed for a little while, debating on whether or not to get up. All I really wanted to do was lay in bed all day but I knew I couldn't cuz of how disappointed I'd be in myself later. With that I decided to get up and ready for the day. Maybe I'd look good today. I took a quick shower and got ready. I wore black straight leg jeans with rips at the knees and a black Motörhead shirt. I threw on a dark black flannel over it and threw on my converse. I generously sprayed perfume and grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

It was drizzling outside, the kind of weather I loved so dearly. Such a shame to feel so shitty in such a lovely day. I walked to the nearest park and sat on a bench, maybe I'd clear my thoughts. I sat crisscrossed and rested my head in my hand, letting my thoughts whisk me away from reality. I must've been there for awhile. I then noticed someone sit next to me. I kept to myself, carefully examining him. He had shoulder length dark wavy hair and a slender frame. He had dark brown eyes and carved cheeks, he wore a necklace with the letters VH on it.

"Hello." He said

"Oh Uh hi." I reply

"I'm Edward but you can call me Eddie."

"I'm y/n."

"I like that name, it's unique."

Unique? Seemed like such a halfway kinda compliment. It could be good or bad, I'd never really know unless he specifically said so.

"So what're you doing here sitting in the rain?" He asks

"I could ask you the same thing."

"Fair enough. You like Motörhead?" He said pointing to my shirt

"Oh yea, stuff like Motörhead, black sabbath, Eric Clapton and zeppelin I love." I said

"Wow so you're pretty and have good music taste."

"Oh thanks." I nervously laugh

"Yea...hey I've got a record collection of you wanna come see? It would get you out of the rain."

"Sure why not."

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