Whiskey part 1

265 5 2

Warnings: alcohol
Word count: 1023

I sit in the passenger seat of my boyfriend, Eddie's car. I had a stolen $20 bill in my pocket and a small bag at my feet. I was waiting for Eddie to come back from the gas station, he said he was buying more cigarettes. He starts walking towards the car, getting in and starting the engine.

"So where are we going?" I ask

"There's this bar upstate that does contests, if you win the contest you get money. And I need money for more equipment so I thought we could go together." He explains

"Oh cool! This is gonna be fun." I giggle

"Yea, the drive isn't too long. And the hotel is pretty cheap so it's definitely worth it." He smiles

He puts in a Deep Purple cassette while we drive, rolling down the windows and turning the volume up high. Driving with Ed was always fun, he played to best music and we always had the best fucking time. About forty five minutes pass and we pull up to a small bar. We get out of the car and make our way into the bar, the smell of cheap vodka and body odor hit me like a bus, causing me to scrunch my nose. Eddie leads me over to the bar, asking about the contests.

"You guys doing the contest games today?" He asks

"Yes we are, they start in two minutes." The bartender replies

"Alright cool thanks." He says

We walk over to a table and sit down, waiting for the games to start. We eventually hear someone announce on a microphone that the games were about to begin.

"Alrighty the games are about to begin, this first contest will be whoever drinks a pint of beer fastest." They announce

"Ed? You're gonna do that?" I ask

"Yea sure I'll do it." He says

We walk over to the bar and Eddie gets handed a large glass. They count down from three and everyone starts to drink. He drains the glass in the span of a few seconds, winning the competition.

"And we have a winner!"

Eddie was handed a five dollar Bill and the games went on. There were contests like trivia and games like coin tossing and stuff. We won a few more dollars and the games went on.

"This next challenge is to see who can drink the most shots of whiskey in thirty seconds."

"I'll do it." I smile

"Go for it." Ed encourages me

I walk up to the bar and get handed ten shots, and they kept bringing more. The bartender counts down from three and I start to drink. The timer hasn't gone off and I'd already finished six shots and I was still going. The timer rang and I had nine shots.

"Wow looks like you won." He said, handing me a ten

"Holy shit that was great!" Ed says

"Thank you thank you." I giggle

"Next contest is our last one of the evening, we give you ten minutes. Whoever gets the furthest with their significant other gets twenty bucks." He says

"Oh, that's a weird one." I say in disgust

"Yea." Ed agrees

"That means pda, which we both hate." I say looking at Ed

"Yea I know." He replies

I suddenly feel a wave of dizziness wash over me, causing me to slightly lose balance.

"Woah you good there?" Ed asks, holding me up

"Yea, too much whiskey." I joke

"Wait you're not gonna be sick are you?" He asks

"No, I don't get sick when I drink, I usually just pass out."

He grabs me a water and sits on the nearest couch, placing me in his lap.

"Don't pass out on me y/n." He hands me the water

"I'll try." I say

I look around and see couples making out, tugging on each other's hair, clothing, you name it. I scan the room, my eyes landing back on Eddie making eye contact.

"Twenty bucks." I say

"Yea I know, we could really use it." He nods

"I guess it's worth a shot." I cringe

He leans in, his hand falling at my jawline, bringing me close to him. His lips graze against mine creating butterflies in my stomach and a pink dusting to spread across my cheeks. He slips his tongue into my mouth, dancing with mine, competing for dominance. I open my eyes and scan the room again, not breaking the kiss. There were people who were tugging at the others clothing so I decided to do the same. My hands land on Eddie's shoulders, falling at his chest and unbuttoning his shirt. I run my hands through his hair, feeling him relax more into the kiss.

"We have a winner!" I hear the bartender say, pointing at Ed and I

I smile at Ed, shrugging. The bartender hands us our twenty bucks as Eddie buttons his shirt again.

The bar starts to calm down again and I stand up, immediately stumbling around. My head was spinning and my eyes couldn't focus on anything. I feel as Eddie rushes towards me, his hands falling at my waist and arms for support. I try walking towards the door to get back to his car but it was no use, I could hardly see and felt as I would fall over any second. I then feel as my head spins faster and faster until everything goes black and my body goes limp.

My eyes flutter open and I see beige walls and feel someone's arm wrapped around me. I look over and see Eddie draping his arm around my shoulder.


"Y/n! You're awake, how do you feel?" He asks

"A little light headed, where are we?"

"At the hotel, here have some water."

"Did you fuck me in the middle of that bar?" I ask

"No! We just kissed that's all." He laughs

"Ok." I nod "did we win the contest?" I ask

"Yea, the guy saw you sitting on my lap and thought I was fucking you, so we won." He laughs

"Oh, that's fun." I say

Eddie Van Halen imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora