Cherry pie

419 3 2

Warnings: none
Word count: 563
Request for: jupiiterrmoonz
This did not turn out how I wanted it too and I'm sooo sorry!

I was set to be in the Cherry Pie music video for the band warrant. I'd be one of the background girls who had to dance and stuff. To be honest I wasn't big on the whole idea but I definitely needed the money and I'd love to meet the band so it was totally worth it.

I walk into the building where the video was to be set. They explained what I had to do and set me up. They put me in dramatic eyeshadow and red lipstick and blew out my hair into a fluffy but shiny look.

I wore short shorts with fishnet tights and a tight white tank top. I finished the look with red heels and earrings.

In a few hours the video was done and I went home.

Eddie POV:

I sit at home watching mtv. Warrant had just released an album with a song cherry pie and were said to be releasing a video on it today.

Soon enough the video starts playing. The background is white and there are tons of girls in the background, one caught my eye. The way she moved was so perfectly in sync with the song and her eyes were captivating.

Y/n POV:

It had been days since the video aired, it was really successful. I'd gotten a couple hundred dollars for it and decided to treat myself to a drink.

I get a can to the nearest bar and order a whiskey and coke, my favorite drink. I observe my surroundings, people constantly enter and exit, some are smoking, some are visibly underage but hey I've been there too.

Someone enters, he has long shaggy dark curls and a bright smile. His cheekbones are hollowed out and his eyes are bright. He was pretty tall, with long slender fingers and walked smoothly.

I kept to myself, not wanting to draw any attention towards myself. He sits down a few seats away from me, and orders a whiskey and coke just as I did minutes ago.

A few minutes pass and I order another drink. I notice the guy walk over and sit in the seat next to me.

"I'm Eddie." He says

"Y/n." I say

"Sorry if I'm wrong but you were in warrant's music video?"

"Yea I was. Didn't think anyone would notice."

"No you did great!"

"Oh thanks."

We chat for the rest of the evening, getting to know each other quite well. I gave him my number and he walked me home.

We walk out of the bar, I shiver in the cold.

"Oh here take this." He says, wrapping his jacket around me


He keeps me close while we walk, telling me about his passions and career. We finally make it back to my place, standing underneath the porch light.

"So I'll see you some other time?" I ask

"Yea of course."

He starts to walk away but stops. He suddenly turns around and walk towards me again. He cups my face and brings his lips to mine. The kiss was rough and passionate, but slowed and became gentle and soft. He pulls apart, still cupping my face.

"Y/n I know we only just met but I like you a lot."

"I like you a lot too."

"Do you wanna go out sometime?"

"Yea I'd like that."

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