I always thought rockstars were jerks part 2

374 7 1

Warnings: none?
Word count:
Request for @RockstarWild
This chapter might be short btw

It had been a few weeks after getting with Eddie. Don't get me wrong I loved him but I was always self conscious that he would cheat on me. I've always thought that was the rockstar lifestyle and well now I'm dating one.

I decide to get ready to meet Eddie at a bar for one of his gigs. I wore a red plaid dress on top of a black turtleneck and fishnet tights. I threw on some jewelry and makeup and converse shoes and was headed for my car.

I make my way to the bar, parking and heading inside. They've already started playing. I smiled seeing Eddie on stage and David strutting around. The way they all performed was truly magical.

The show ended thirty minutes later and they all exit the stage. I order a drink and wait for Eddie. I see him walk up to me, smiling and laughing with Alex.

"Hey y/n how are you?" He says, snaking his arm around my waist

"I'm good. The show was quite entertaining. David seems to know how to swoon the crowd over him." I say pointing to the frontman, girls surrounding him

"Yea. And don't forget how he manages to do them all in one night." Alex laughs

"Hey I'll be right back." Eddie says

I chat with Alex for a bit.

"So how did you an Ed meet again?" He asks

"Well it was at your party a few weeks ago and I went out for a smoke. I met him and we went on a walk and yea." I say

Alex talks about how he's shown interest in my friend and is planning to ask her out.

"Hey that's great! She really likes you. You could probably just tell her straight up and she'd collapse on the spot." I giggle

Minutes pass and I patiently wait for eddie to come back. I look around and notice he's talking to some lady. He seems really interested in what she has to say. I can't help but feel a tinge of jealousy run through my veins.

"Hey Alex who do you think Ed's talking to?" I motion to the woman

"I'm not sure but she looks familiar. I wouldn't think much of it." He says

We chat a bit longer. I can't help but to wonder who eddies talking to. I get the idea that he's cheating on me and start to get worried.

He comes back minutes later.

"Hey Eddie who was that girl you were talking to?"

"I'll tell you later it's kinda important." He says

Later that night we start to drive back to his place. He's talking about the show and I'm silent the whole time.

"Y/n is everything alright?"

"I don't mean to sound blunt or rude but are you cheating on me? You seemed rather interested in what the girl was saying to you." I say

He stops the car, pulling over to the side of the road.

"Honey no! I would never ever cheat on you." He says

"Eddie who was she?" I ask

"She might get the band a record deal."

"Wait what?"

"She might get us a record deal y/n."

"Oh wow! I'm so happy for you. Wow I'm dumb." I laugh

He hugs me, my nose filling with his warm scent.

"I love you so much y/n, I would never cheat I swear." He kisses my forehead

Eddie Van Halen imaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя