Break ups part 2

211 8 5

Warnings: none
Word count: 524

Days passed after Alex had said all that and I couldn't stop thinking about it. My mind was ping- ponging between liking Eddie or not. There were a lot of factors including the fact that he always makes me happy, he knows how to cheer me up, he pays attention to me and knows almost everything about me, he played guitar until I fell asleep, he watched movies with me, he stays up late while I rant to him, he listens to the dumb shit I say and overall he was just perfect. There was only one problem, I had just been broken up with.

I sit on my bedroom floor, be dating on whether or not to see Eddie. I'd been avoiding it ever since he saw me cry about my now ex boyfriend but I knew I couldn't avoid him forever. I got dressed in wide leg jeans and a cropped led zeppelin tank. I then made my way to Eddie's house.

I walk up to the house and knock on the door. I see as Alex opens it, smirking when he saw it was me.

"Here for Ed?" He asks, letting me in

"I- no." I cross my arms

"Eddie!" He yells

"Oh my god." I say, my face falling into my hands in embarrassment

"Hey al, hey y/n." Eddie nods

"Hey." I say

"I'm gonna go." Alex says

We wave Alex goodbye and Eddie takes me into his bedroom.

"It's been awhile." He smiles

"Yeah, sorry about that." I say

"No you're fine! I get it, I guess breakups are hard." He says, leaning back in his chair

"Yeah I guess. Thanks for helping me with that by the way." I stutter

"Of course y/n. You seem nervous."

"Me? No not at all." I gulp

"Sure?" He laughs

"Yeah." I nod, cracking my knuckles

"Alright." He laughs "find any new guys lately?"

"I- uhm maybe."

"Alright tell me everything you know about him."

"Alright? Well I've known him for quite a bit of time, he's super talented and funny and sweet. He's super supportive which is nice since I'm apparently too harsh on myself." I explain

"What's he look like?"

"Well he's pretty tall and he's got brown hair. Why? You like anyone?" I ask

"Maybe." He smiles

"Alright then tell me everything." I say

"Ok well she's super bold and brave but she's got anxiety so she's also kinda shy. She's super funny and really pretty." He says

"Ok what's she look like?"

"Take a guess."

"Oh I don't know!!" I smile

"You should tell me who you like."

I contemplate it for a moment. He did say his crush was bold so I guess I had to be bold.

"Hmm well I kinda like you Ed." I state

"No way!" He smiles

"Yup." I nod

"Really? Cuz I like you." He says

"I- you think I'm bold?" I blush


He walks up to me, taking my hand in his. His kisses my cheek and brings me closer to him in a tight hug.

"Be mine y/n?" He asks

"Of course."

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