Oh no

465 8 3

Warnings: mentions of rape
Word count: 465
I forgot the name of the chapter this was so I just created a whole new one. Also this didn't turn out how I wanted it to and I'm so sorry for that.

I had been getting up early every day, vomiting and my stomach was cramping like crazy. I had some strange cravings and my mood swings were insane. I never thought much of it.

Eddie had been talking about having kids, a little boy that he could teach guitar and play with.

Weeks ago I'd been raped. I was at a party with Ed and this strange man came up to me, took me into another room and tied me up, assaulting me and that's where this all started.
I woke up one morning, rushing to the bathroom and spilling my guts into the toilet. I hear Eddie come up after I brush my teeth.

"Hey y/n is everything alright? This has been happening a lot lately."

"Yea Ed I'm fine probably just sick or something."

He went off to the studio while I left myself to rest. I started to think. I'd missed my period, I've been puking a lot, I've been having cravings. Maybe I was pregnant. But Eddie and I hadn't had sex yet.

I went to the store, buying tests and rushing back home. I went into the bathroom, using the test. I washed my hands and waited for the results. A few minutes later I see two lines, confirming that I was pregnant.

I start to cry. It wasn't Eddie's child, I knew it was from the rapist. I hadn't told Eddie about being raped and was now more scared than ever since I was pregnant.

Hours later Eddie got home. He walked up the stairs, eventually finding me in the bathroom.

"Y/n baby what's wrong?" He sympathized

I sniffled. He rubbed his hand up and down my back.

"Eddie a few weeks ago at that party, I got raped."

"What?! Y/n that's awful! How come you never told me?"

"Eddie I'm not sick, I went to the drugstore and got pregnancy tests and it came back positive." I start to cry more

"Y/n it's ok! I don't care who's the baby is, if you want to keep it I'll love it unconditionally but if you don't then I completely understand. It's all up to you." He said

I hugged him.

"Eddie I don't know what I'm gonna do."

"It's ok we'll get through this together."

And we did. Nine months later I had the baby, and Eddie loved it with his whole heart. He was so gentle and sweet, he knew just how to care for the child. We became a very happy family.

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