What am I gonna do?

610 7 8

Warnings: cussing
Word count: 646

It was a Thursday afternoon, I sat in class next to my friend Alex.

"Alright class today we are going to be doing superlatives. Everyone will vote on a paper that will be handed to all of you." The teacher explains

I smile. I wonder what mine will be? Maybe it'll be most likely to open a business or class clown or something. The teacher passes out sheets of paper with everyone's name a multiple superlatives to vote from.

I vote Alex the class clown. One time he shattered a test tube in science cuz he wanted to know that sound it would make. So yea I'm voting him class clown. I wish I could vote him class dumbass.

We started to hand our papers back to the teacher. She spent a few minutes going through them and tallying up the votes.

"Hey Alex what do you think you got?"

"To be honest I think I got class clown or class dumbass." He laughed

"What do you think I got?" I ask

"I voted you most likely to leave and never come back, you know since your always talking about leaving this place and never coming back." He says

We wait for the teacher to announce the votes. She goes through multiple people.

David got biggest flirt, Alex got most likely to win the lottery and lose the ticket, Eddie got most likely to become a famous artist and Michael got most likely to visit Mars.

She read through a few other people and finally stopped at my name. She didn't announce it for a few more seconds.

"Uh y/n you got....um you got least likely to succeed. Class dismissed." She said

I stormed out of class, embarrassed for my life. I thought over the superlative. It was stupid and fake right?

I thought over it more. The more I thought, the more it scared me. It's true. I don't have interest in anything so what'll I go to college for? And what'll my job be? I'll be jobless! I start to panic.

I walk to find Alex. He's talking to some girl but she walks away at the sight of me.


"Y/n what's wrong?"

"I'm gonna fail at life! I have no interests, no drive to go to college, I'm clueless about what I wanna do and to top it off I'm least likely to succeed! Alex I'm fucking terrified!" I start to cry

He pulls me into a hug.

"Y/n it'll be ok. I know you won't be jobless. And even if you are, me and Ed will support you."

Minutes later I decide to walk home. I'm still discouraged and beyond scared of my future.

I get home and sit on my bed. Hours pass. I haven't done anything since class and don't plan on doing much. I hear something hit my window.

I pull the curtains back to see Eddie. He's smiling and holding pebbles in his hand. I open the window and he climbs into my room.

"Hey y/n." He says

"Hey Eddie."

"So I heard about the whole jobless thing."

I sigh.


"Look y/n you know that'll never happen."

"Eddie what am I supposed to do?! What am I going to do? I'm terrified!"

He pulls me into a warm embrace. I take his scent in, my breathing getting heavy. He pulls apart, kissing me gently and tenderly. I tense up, but soften into the kiss.

He pulls apart, a smile on his face.

"What was that for?" I gently smile

"I'm in love with you y/n."

"Eddie oh my god. I love you so much. I- this is great! Wow being jobless doesn't seem so bad after all." I excitedly jump into his arms.

He laughs.
"Yea but you won't be jobless that's for sure."

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