Happy birthday!!

313 8 1

Warnings: none
Word count: 746

Happy birthday Eddie I love you so much! You are such a huge influence and inspiration to me and to many others! Fly high, we miss you and admire you so much.

I woke up, frozen cold and shivering. I look over and out the window to see snow gently falling. I gasp when I remember it's Eddie's birthday. I'd been friends with him forever, ever since my mom died.

I get up, showering and getting ready. I wear baggy jeans and any shirt with a flannel and coat over since it was snowing. I finish my hair and makeup, spritz in some perfume and finish it with some shoes. I walk down stairs and think of what I should get him.

I remember the name to his favourite upscale restaurant and decided to make reservations for him. I then walk back upstairs and quickly decide on what I'd wear later to the fancy dinner. I pull out a long black saying dress. It was perfect.

I decide I'd also get him a few other things including guitar picks, strings and a necklace which had their band logo on it. I package it all up and hop in my car to drive to his place for the party.

I play a cassette of The Kinks while I'm driving. The roads were slick and icy causing me to swerve a few times. I finally pull up to his apartment seeing Alex's car already there.

I walk up to the door, gently knocking. I see Eddie from behind the door, he's got a huge smile on his face.

"Hey Eddie happy birthday!" I say

"Thanks y/n! Come in it's freezing out there." He quickly shuts the door and leads me inside.

Eddie goes into the kitchen saying he was grabbing some drinks.

"Hey y/n what did you get him?" Alex asks

"Well I got reservations to his favourite restaurant, guitar picks and strings and a necklace with the bands logo." I say

"Oh wow he'll be pretty happy about those. He's probably just happy to even see you." Alex laughs


Just then Eddie comes back, balancing multiple coke bottles in hand and quickly setting them on the table. Soon enough David and Michael arrive.

We all just hang out and chat, Michael bought a cake and we all ate. It was eventually time for Eddie to open the presents which he insisted we shouldn't have gotten.

"Hey do mine first!" David says

Eddie reaches for the bag, discarding the tissue paper. He reaches in and pulls out a small package. He opens it and sees a pick.

"What's this?" Eddie asks

"It's the pick you used from our very first gig ever. I saw you left it behind and decided I'd take it." David explains

"Oh wow Dave thanks a lot man." Eddie says

"Ok mind next." Michael says

Once again Eddie reaches for a package. He tears off the paper, opens the box and finds a few cans of spray paint in various colours.

"I know you always talk about painting your guitars and how you always run out of paint so I got you some."

"Man this is great I just ran out!"

He then reaches for Alex's gift, ripping the paper and opening the box. Inside he sees a small guitar.

"It's your very first guitar, mom gave it to me." Alex says

"Oh holy shit. Wow." Eddie was stunned

Minutes pass and he finally reaches for my gift. I knew I couldn't top Alex.

Once again he takes out the tissue paper and reaches in. He first pulls out the guitar strings and the picks. He thanks me and goes to discard the bag.

"Oh uh I think there's one more thing in there." I say

He reaches in and pulls out a small box. He opens it and his eyes went wide.

"Y/n this is amazing."

He pulls out the necklace, showing everyone.

"Sorry if it's not the right colour, I wasn't sure if you wanted silver or gold." I say

"Y/n it's perfect. Thanks so much." He says

We all clean up and everyone leaves, I stay behind.

"Oh Eddie I also got you one more thing." I say

"Oh y/n you really didn't have to." He says

"It's nothing really, it's just reservations for your favourite restaurant." I say

He walks over, pulling me close and tightly hugging me. He then gently kisses me on the lips, fireworks practically went off in the background.

"Be mine y/n?" He asks

"Of course."

"Your the best present today you know?" He kisses my forehead

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