
266 7 0

Warnings: none
Word count: 1002

I woke up to the sound of rocks hitting my window. I quickly got up and walked over to my window to see my boyfriend, Eddie. He's always had to come to my place through the window because of how strict my aunt is.

"Eddie?" I say, opening the window

"Wow you look exhausted."

"Yea I just woke up." I say

"Oh. May I come in?"

"Yea of course."

He climbs into my bedroom and quietly steps in.

"You can go back to bed if you want, it's kinda early." He says

"What time is it?"

"It's 7 a.m." he says

"7? Why are you here so early?"

"I had to come before you're aunt woke up." He said


"Ya, so why don't you go back to bed, you look exhausted."


"Yea, how late did you stay up."

"Pretty late like 5 a.m." I say

"Oh jeez you definitely need to sleep more."

I crawl back into bed and drift off to sleep.

I wake up hours later to the sound of my aunt calling my name.

"Y/n!!! Y/n!" She kept yelling

I quickly walk out of my room and downstairs to see her in the kitchen.

"What's up?"

"The coffee machine isn't working." She complains

"Let me have a look."

I walk over and see that she didn't add water.

"You need to add water to this compartment." I say

"Oh thank you." She says, shooing me away

I walk back upstairs with a headache.

"What did she want?" Ed asks

"She couldn't figure out how the coffee machine works."

Eddie flips through a magazine while I get ready for the day. I wore black baggy jeans and a cropped striped shirt.

I walk over to Eddie and sit in front of him.

"Y/n!!!" I hear again

I run downstairs again to see my aunt.


"I want to meet that boy you're always hanging around with." She snides

"Who?" I ask

"That boy! With the hair!" She yells

"Oh well I can invite him over for dinner if that's ok?" I ask

"Yes do that. And he better be nice or else I forbid you to see him!"

I dash back upstairs in a panic. I knew that everyone liked Eddie but still, my aunts standards were terribly high.

"What was that?" He asks

"She wants to meet you." I say in a panic

"Oh wow that's good news." He laughs

"No it's not! Her standards are impossibly high and she's a prick."

"Well when do I meet her?" He asks

"Tonight at dinner. This is gonna go terribly! She's gonna ask you all these questions and then eventually decide that I can never see you again and I'm gonna be on house arrest or something to prevent me from seeing you." I ramble

"No that won't happen trust me." He says, pulling me into a hug.

"Y/n I'm going to the store!" I hear my aunt yell

"Alright see you later!" I reply

I continue to panic, what if she doesn't like Eddie? Or what if she likes him too much? Or what if she decides that at first sight, she wants him out of our house? Anything could go wrong.



"You good there?"


"No you're not." He says

"Eddie this is gonna go all wrong." I say

"No it won't."

We walked into the kitchen to grab water and hopefully calm me down. He pulls me into a warm hug, kissing my cheek in reassurance.

Eddie went home to change into something more presentable while I prepared dinner. My aunt told me to make spaghetti and salad on the side.

I finish cooking and drag myself upstairs to change into something more presentable too. I wore a silk midi skirt and black cropped shirt. I decided on wearing black heels with it.

"Y/n! Answer the door!" My aunt yells

I rush downstairs, trying to put an earring in. I open the door to see Eddie in slacks and a white button up shirt.

"Wow you look nice." I say

"Same to you, you look beautiful." He smiles

My aunt walks over to greet him, looking him up and down. He greets her with a warm smile and handshake. This wasn't going so bad.

We all walk into the dining room and sit down.

"So y/n, introduce the boy to me." My aunt says

"Well this is Edward. Edward this is my aunt Linda."

"It's nice to meet you." He says

"So Edward, what do you do for work." She asks

"Well I make my own music but as of right now I can't do much because I've got lots of school work."

"Music? What kind?" She asks

"Hard rock. But I study classical." He says

"Impressive. So how did you meet my niece?"

"We met at the record store, we were going to buy the same album but she got to it first." He says

"How cute. So do you have any siblings?"

"I do, Alex is my older brother."

They bounce back and forth, question and answer. The questions got more and more personal, eventually asking him things like if he goes to church or anything like that.

"What a nice dinner. Why don't you two go upstairs while I clean up?" She asks

"Of course." I say

We rush to my room.

"Ed, she never asks for me not to clean. That's weird."

"Maybe she just needs time to think?"

"Maybe. I think she liked you though."


"Yea, she seemed to be really nice towards you which is weird." I say

"That's great!" He says, loosening his tie

I slip of my heels and sit on my bed, contemplating the events. Eddie unbuttons his shirt and slips off his shoes, sitting beside me.

"I love you Ed." I smile

"I love you too y/n."

I fall asleep on his shoulder, happy that the night wasn't a total disaster.

Eddie Van Halen imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now