White Knight, Black King ⚜ Ch. 4

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Thiana thought they were going to pass by the enormous mansion on the hill, until the road snaked around, leading them right up to the gates.

"Is this where you live?" she asked in awe.

Dren nodded. "Yes. And you're welcome to call this place home for as long as you like."

She looked over at him in surprise. Perhaps she was to be a servant here. Hopefully she wouldn't trip again...

The gates swung open and they drove right up to the grand stone staircase that led to the front door. Once she got out, she looked around to admire the scenery. "This place is so beautiful. Is that a vineyard?"

Dren nodded and offered his arm. "It is. We grow some of the finest grapes in Albania. And make the best wine. We can sample some later if you like."

"Wine?" she asked. "I've never had it."

He smiled. "Grapes, wine, whichever you prefer, Thiana. Come. You ought to meet my family."

The mansion seemed even bigger up close. Waiting for them at the top of the stairs were two men with white hair - undoubtedly father and son.

They looked her over, and she tried not to squirm under their scrutiny. "So, this is the dame you picked up? Very pretty."

"Uncle, please, behave," Dren implored tensely.

"Dinner's this way. We're having steak tonight," the older gentleman said.

Thiana followed the dangerous men through the most opulent and gorgeous home she could have imagined. Sitting at the table were more of his family, and she noticed there weren't any children running around. The youngest looked to be around ten.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Thiana," Dren announced. Turning to her he said,  "Welcome to the D'Avanzo home. You'll have anything you want. Just ask."

She nodded and put on a small smile. Together they joined the long table, and were soon after served by men in black suits and ties.

Perhaps she'd start work tomorrow? In the meantime, she wasn't about to let this incredible meal go to waste.

"Looks like your girl has a good appetite," his grandfather chuckled. 

She laughed politely, desperately not wanting to offend these people. As the dinner went on, they began discussing their... criminal work. Thiana was about ready to run out.

Seeing her discomfort, and hardly enjoying the heavy conversation himself, Dren took her hand. "Let's go to the vineyard now, before it gets dark."

She nodded, grateful for the chance to escape the mob dinner.


Dren led her out to the vineyard, and took her to the point next to the winery that overlooked a small valley. With the sun setting, it painted everything gold.

"How beautiful," she said quietly.

"Isn't it? So lush and green - I never grow tired of the view." As they walked, he clasped his hands behind his back. "I uh, I'm sorry about that back there. That's the life they've chosen, and I get to enjoy the benefits. Well, so do you now. But it's no less unpleasant." He picked a grape off the vine and held it up for her. "Try this."

A bit bashfully, she let him put it in her mouth. "Mm, it's so sweet."

He grinned. "Shocking, isn't it? That the mob's wine isn't bitter. Come on, let me show you the room." 

Taking her her hand, he led her back into the house, going upstairs. He stopped at the double door and opened them wide. When she hesitated to go in, he looked back at her.

"Is this my room?" she asked in a small voice.

Dren nodded. "All yours. Go on, take a look." He followed her in and opened the curtains to let in the light of the sunset. "I'm having the seamstress in tomorrow. She'll make you a custom wardrobe top to bottom. You can choose hats and jewelry from high end catalogues-"

"Slow down. I don't need all this." Her eyes flicked between him and the floor. "Why did you bring me here?

She looked so lovely in the fading light, he could't keep himself from kissing her cheek. "I just want to give you the life you deserve, Thiana." Seeing her tense at his touch, he murmured gently, "I know you don't trust me yet. But don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just want you to be happy. And... maybe happy with me one day."

Even in the low light, he could see her blush, and he couldn't help but smile.

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