The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 1

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Baroness Svetlana Karadjordjevic of Morava in The Kingdom of Yugoslavia Arts Academy, year two - 16✧❈✧

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Baroness Svetlana Karadjordjevic of Morava in The Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Arts Academy, year two - 16

This again. Always more of the same. Pretty girls with pretty hair and pretty friends. Not to mention pretty boyfriends.

Svetlana sighed, unpacking her things while her new roommates were already busy gossiping. How much can be told about a person from their choice of necklace, really? 

Despite it all, she hoped for a better year. Meanwhile, she pulled out another scarf and hatbox from her trunk - which she meant to hide behind. Her cleft chin and large ears with the scarves, perhaps her small eyes under hats.

She was disappointed that she hadn't grown up more over the summer holiday. But while her looks hadn't changed, she had certainly gotten stronger. She lifted another trunk onto her bed with relative ease, but before she could open it, the sound of shouting pulled her away.

Her roommates had opened the window to a flirt-fest happening outside. Girls were on their balconies flirting with boys in the courtyard below.

The thought crossed her mind that at this distance, perhaps no one could really see her, but she banished that thought and quickly went back to unpacking. 

As she pulled out her silver sewing kit, she was glad the other girls were at the window so they wouldn't see. It was bad enough to be bullied for her looks, especially being quiet and awkward, but having sewing - which was considered a peasant class - made things worse. Which was unfortunate, given that she found sewing relaxing and enjoyable. Perhaps it would be different if she was from a more important kingdom, but Yugoslavia wasn't exactly Great Britain. 

Her greatest weapon was her skill as a dancer. While the casters may not see her a pretty enough to be a lead, she intended this year to prove to them that looks weren't everything.

Going back to the second trunk, she unlocked it, standing on her toes to open the lid fully. While the others were occupied, she quickly slipped on her glasses. Lying atop the expensively adorned tulle and silk inside were Svetlana's favourite tiaras, all in perfect condition even after the long journey. Although these were not the sort of tiaras one wears around. No, she knew they were safe in the velvet lining. The question was if she would ever wear them.

Taking off her glasses again, she slipped them into her pocket. 

A few minutes later she snickered as someone outside shouted, "If someone says 'Wherefore art thou Romeo' one more time...!"

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