The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 2

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The first day couldn't pass quickly enough. While Svetlana couldn't draw to save her life in Basic Art, she was proficient in the languages being taught to second years, which was a blessing. But it was the last course of the day that she was anxious and eager to get to.

Going as fast as propriety would allow, she rushed from her sewing class to the dance hall. As she entered the familiar corridor, and slowed to view the display cases. Inside were photographs, trophies, costumes, tiaras, and slippers in glass domes. There were rows of famous shoes belonging to past students, professors, and dancers in the professional King's Alliance Royal Ballet Company. She hoped that one day she might earn a place here, immortalized behind glass.

Further down the hall, she turned into the dancers' dressing room, shutting the door behind her. She was well familiar with the richly decorated locker room, and chose #18 as usual. Dressing quickly, she hurried to the class hall, and looked back at the left door with bittersweet fondness. Turning to the right, she entered the second year class.

The room was the mirror image of the one she'd danced in last year, and the same gold barre and expensive crown molding were comfortingly familiar. She took a long breath, just feeling - the cool metal of the barre, the silk of her ballet slippers on her feet, more comfortable than her confining school shoes. With her eyes closed she slowly began stretching, moving as fluidly as possible.

The door opened, and a few more girls walked in. She opened her eyes and took a quick glance in the mirror. Her heart sank as she recognized all but one of them. Pernelle of Monoco and her awful friends.

"My, she's so graceful," the unfamiliar one whispered.

Pernelle met Svetlana's eye in the mirror. "Yes, though it's a pity her looks don't match, don't you think Nahla?"

Setting her jaw, she slowly extended her leg over her head, showing off her strength and agility. The others made no further comment, getting to their own stretches.

A few more dancers entered the room, followed shortly after by the instructor. A pair of twins took their place beside Svetlana.

"At attention all," she said, clasping her hands. Everyone hurried to the barre, and her calculating eyes swept over the group. "Welcome to the Royal Arts Academy. I am Madame Selina of Austria. I will expect the best from each of you, and if you want my respect or special consideration, you must earn it. Now, I want you to perform the routine warm up you learned last year so that I can see what I have to work with." She clapped, and the dancers formed a grid and took the first position. "And five, six, seven, eight."

Svetlana took the back row, not wanting to stir up any unnecessary attention. The warm up was simple and easy, but required exacting precision. Fortunately, precisely was the only way she knew how to dance. As she performed, she felt relief, freedom, she felt right. This is where she wanted to be, doing what she wanted to be doing - and she knew she was doing it well.

It was over within a couple minutes, and Madame Selina nodded. "Thank you. Please be seated where you are." Everyone sat, panting slightly, while the instructor brought over two chairs and a stack of books. "Now, we need to decide what ballets the school will do this year." The dancers all started twittering in excitement, and she chuckled. "Alright quiet down. So, last year the company has performed a number of the classics, including: Sylvia, Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, and La Bayadere. The year before we did Sleeping Beauty, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Don Quixote, and La Bayadere. Here are the options for this year. Please let me know what you think. I highly recommend Jewels for the first performance. After that, what do you think of Cinderella, Anna Karenia-"

"Yawn," Pernelle responded, gesturing dramatically. "Anna Karenia is so dull. And the theatre kids did Cinderella last year."

"Alright. Coppelia or Prince of the Pagodas?" Selina continued.

"Frankenstine dolls or frog costumes? I'd really rather not," a boy named Silvio commented.

Nahla nodded. "Agreed."

"Very well then." Selina then picked up a different stack of booklets. "What about Raymonda or La Paquita?"

Several girls perked up, Pernelle and Svetlana included. Though no one would admit it, Raymonda was a chance for non-royals and those of lesser rank to be a princess for once.

Another one of Pernelle's friends, Gizela, piped in. "Raymonda would be lovely, don't you think?"

One of the twins asked, "What's that one about?"

Svetlana found herself speaking before she could think better of it. "It's the story of a girl who is madly in love, but before her wedding, another man falls in love with her and wants her for himself. In her ancient castle, there is a spirit of a white lady who appears to the girl in a dream to warn her. The following day, Raymonda resists the man's affections, and as he tries to kidnap her, her true love arrives and rescues her."

Selina smiled. "Lovely description. Lana, was it?"

"Yes, Madam," she replied. It was close enough. Her heart was beating quickly. She had only spoken so much in speech class her first year, where it was required.

"Alright. Raymonda has a vote from the second years. What about Le Corsaire or Pharaoh's Daughter?"

"Corsaire... pirates? That sounds interesting. But what about Pharaoh's Daughter? Is it anything like Le Bayadere where they die in the end?" Silvio said.

The instructor looked to Svetlana, who reluctantly gave another synopsis. "N-no, it's not like Bayadere. There are these explorers in Egypt who take shelter from a sandstorm in a pyramid. The storm is enchanted, and wakes the dead inside, including a princess who died too young. The undead princess chooses one of the men to save her, touching him and takes him back in time. The man rescues her from a lion and a betrothal to a cruel Nubian King. He ends up marrying her, and when he dies, he awakes back in the pyramid with his fellow explorers."

"Wonderful interpretation, Lana. Thank you." Selina smiled. "So it it settled? The second year votes go to Jewels - to showcase different strengths in the forms of emotional performance, acrobatics, and precision. Raymonda, Le Corsaire, and Pharaoh's Daughter? Oh, and there will be three recitals in between, as usual."

"Only if we do the Frederick Ashton revisions, where available," Pernelle insisted.

"Very well. A more modern dance take would be just fine," the instructor nodded. "I'll discuss the choices with the other two professors this evening." She gathered the booklets and returned the chair. "Thank you, students. Now back the the barre. I want to see your pointe form before you leave."

Svetlana hurried back, pleased with the potential performances for the year. She waited for the instructor to get to her, going up on pointe when it was her turn. Madame Selina nodded and moved on, giving instruction to one of the twins next to her, leaving her to sigh in relief.

A few minutes later, Selina walked back to the center of the room. "For those of you I corrected, please practice to gain muscle memory of the proper positioning. I look forward to instructing all of you and helping you become the best artists and athletes you can be. Good day."

Before Svetlana could leave the barre, Pernelle and her friends stopped in front of her. "Just let me dance," she sighed.

"Just leave the leads to me, Lana," the girl hissed menacingly. "You try to be beat me again, you'll regret it."

Svetlana said nothing as the trio turned and walked out, but inside, a fire ignited. She wouldn't fight with words, she would fight with her talent and hard work. It's a new year, and she decided to be strong.

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