The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 5

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The Jewels Ballet is divided into three parts. The first is Emerald, featuring two leads, and is more of an emotional scene. The second is Ruby, which is energetic, flirty, and acrobatic. The last is the sophisticated Diamond, exacting precision of its performers.

Lead Ruby and especially Lead Diamond are the most coveted roles, no matter what anyone tells you. Lead Emeralds at least get to be part of the trio, but the red and white are the real prize.

Svetlana watched another tryout for the Emeralds with the others, quietly judging the dancers. The first one had higher energy, and she knew they would go to Ruby, though perhaps not athletic enough for the lead. The second was a bit stiff, and probably would go to Diamond. But the third, oh the third...

The twins, Liliana and Lia Romerra, had about equal skill and talent, and they looked beautiful performing together. But what made it especially lovely to watch was when the male lead, a nobleman called Carter, took the stage. He was more quiet and reserved than some of the other male dancers, but there was a strength and romantic air to him. Svetlana might have come to carry a torch for him herself were it not for the way he looked at Lia.

He kept his gaze on her as they danced, and it seemed to everyone watching that he was surely looking at the most beautiful girl in the world. His eyes betrayed his affection during the entirety of the passionate dance. It was like a love story unfolding on the stage, when in fact there was no story at all. In fact there was nothing romantic about the scene, with theatre kids stringing emerald green glass on the sidelines for the backdrop. Oh but the stars orbited this pair as they danced.

When they finished, everyone applauded, and the Ruby hopefuls started lining up, knowing that the decision was unanimous as to who should take the Emerald Leads.

"Did you see that?" someone whispered. "He looks at her like he's in love with her!"

Beside them a dancer replied, "There are no secrets in artistry where you project your heart."

Madame Selina raised her voice from the front row of seats alongside Master Ashton - the head of the professional dance company. "Thank you for that lovely performance. The Romerra twins and Lord Carter will be the Emerald leads. Next will be the Lead Ruby tryout. First up, please take the stage."

The high energy acrobatics made the Lead Ruby arguably the most difficult role of all. The first two to audition couldn't even complete the routine. The third and fourth were mediocre, the fifth was better, but the sixth got everyone talking.

She had golden blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, and Svetlana was sure she would look good in red. As she performed the demanding dance, people began to cheer at her remarkable flexibility, strength, and energy.

"Claire... Isn't that the American girl?" Gizela whispered.

"I hope not. I'd hate to be shown up by a Yankee," Pernelle replied hautily.

Everyone was shown up by the talented first year, and Svetlana applauded loudly for her when she flawlessly finished the dance.

Even Master Ashton stood to applaud her, beside an enthusiastic Madame Selina. "Bravo, Miss Hudson! Most impressive! The role of Lead Ruby is yours! Diamond Lead audition is next. After that the additional dancers will be assigned their roles, or gemstone rather."

The third years made up most of the lines for Diamond, and despite the challenging routine, most did very well. But tension grew in the theatre hall as the judges seemed unsatisfied.

They deliberated amongst themselves for a minute before Selina stood. "Pernelle, Svetlana, and Edmond, I'd like to see you give it a go."

Surprised, Svetlana stood, only to be brushed past by Edmond.

"Hey," she muttered, but he didn't bother turning around. She took a breath, knowing she had to make a few mistakes. If not, Pernelle would make her life hell.

The other girl took her place beside Edmond, smirking at Svetlana as the music began. She gave a nearly flawless performance, just like all the others. And just like all the others, the performance was somehow bland.

Svetlana kept her eyes down as she traded places, feeling the threat in Pernelle's eyes. When she took centre stage, she realized this was probably her one chance for people to see her. And so she took a breath.

The music began, and she envisioned a ballroom made of diamond, glittering under crystalline chandeliers. She was sharp, she was unbreakable, she was precise, and she tried to shine. Imperfectly, of course, because that's what had to be done.

But as fate would have it, she shone a little too brightly.

The theatre burst into applause when she finished, and even her dance partner Edmond looked surprised.

Both of the instructors gave her a standing ovation. "How remarkable, three second years and a first year make up the leads of term's first ballet," Master Ashton mused. "Most remarkable."

Pernelle, in her indignation, went back out on stage. "What about my performance? What about the others? We made less mistakes than she did!"

"Yes," Ashton replied, "But she preformed with passion. Artistry. Something the other performances lacked. Perhaps next time you'll be the remarkable first year to make the cut."

Her face flushed in embarrassment as the bell rang. "Second year," she muttered. Turning on her heel she followed Svetlana backstage.

Before the other girl could say anything, she held up her hands. "The decision has been made. I didn't try that hard, really I didn't. Now leave me alone."

Svetlana practically ran to the locker room, and not even Pernelle's anger could dim the utter delight of having been complimented by Master Ashton himself.

Just before she reached the door, her smile grew as she she caught sight of Lia and Carter talking in the hall.

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