Fire & Ice ⚜ Ch. 6

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The latest episode was the most intense he'd ever experienced. And it hung over too, making him more monster than man for hours on end. The prince was terrified that he might not be able to revert back next time. He was horrified to wake up with blood on his blanket, and he couldn't remember why it was there.

At this rate, someone was bound to find out.

If the monster in him overcame his mind entirely... Everyone would find out - some, the hard way.

And so he arranged his service project in Romania as his last attempt to save his soul, just in case he didn't get the chance again - the chance to see his home kingdom.

The project was to send and repair books to send to orphanages. Theo had been ecstatic, as he loved to help royals find projects that fit their passions. Liliya, despite his distance of late, was impossible to convince not to come help. His two older brothers and their wives also came.

They took over the lunch hall of one of the orphanages, where the older kids helped glue new hardcovers to some, and scrub dirt and dust off of other books.

"It's incredible how many books were donated," Liliya remarked happily.

It was incredible how overwhelming the smell of dust and leather was. "It is, isn't it? You're incredible too, Liliya," the prince said.

She blushed a little as she took another book to repair. "How do you mean?"

"I saw you with the children earlier," he smiled. "They love you, Liliya. Everyone does."

She met his eye for a moment and smiled. "Thank you Ivan. I think it helps loving people in general."

He chuckled. "As always, I think you're right, Liliya."

Hesitating, she set down the newly fixed book and looked at him. "Something's off with you, Ivan. And somehow I get the sense that it's more than sickness. Please tell me."

Gently he replied, "Please stop asking. Your happiness is what's most important, Liliya."

"Why do u keep using my name?" she inquired quietly.

His voice was barely audible as he said, "There might come a time when I am unable to say it."

Knowing that there was press outside, he pasted a happier look on his face.

"Are you dying?" she asked, looking down at the book. He could see that her hands were trembling.

His were too. "They're not sure yet."

And that wasn't deceptive at all. His new source was unsure if he was in danger of losing his human consciousness - surely the equivalent of dying.

Liliya said nothing, but tried to smile as some little girls brought her more books. Ivan tried to do the same.

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