Resident Prince Charming ⚜ Ch. 9

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Marc knocked on the expensively carved wood doors, hoping someone would answer.

"Just a moment."

He sighed in relief. It wasn't long before the door opened.

"Hello Father," the dejected prince greeted.

"Marc, come in son." The king let him into his opulent office - a place that had been a refuge since the prince was a boy - and sat across from him. "What's going on? You look distressed."

Running a hand over his face, he relayed the story. "Well, Milica... She was pretending to be someone she's not. Apparently she's unkind and dishonest and was just using me. She tricked me into thinking she was someone I'd like. And now she tricked a princess into thinking either that I don't care about her at all, or that I cared about her too much, and now she's told me to go away... Poor Ardenne is hurting, and so untrusting right now. And I don't know what to do. I don't know that there's anything to do."

The king listened carefully and put a hand on his arm. "I'm sorry son. You have such a good heart. It's just an unfortunate fact of life that you'll be taken advantage of. I'm just sorry that it happened with someone you cared about so much. She doesn't deserve you."

Marc sighed. "I don't know why I asked Ardenne... Well, I was impulsive and I think just made things worse. Why was I thinking so selfishly?" he lamented.

The king processed this for a moment. "If this princess never wants to see you again, well, you already seem to know what lessons are to be learned from this. But if you haven't straightened things out with her, you ought to try. If that's what you were doing, then all I can think to tell you is to follow your heart. You know your duties - to your family, to your kingdom, and to yourself. Do what you know is right, and what feels right. Your head and heart won't lead you astray often when used together."

The prince nodded. "Thank you Father."

"Of course," King Arinsal smiled.

Neither of them noticed that behind them, there was someone listening at the door.

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