Between The Lines ⚜ Ch. 6

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Every year, the Academies rotated who hosted each of the four annual balls. And this year, the Arts school was hosting the Halloween ball, which made for an elaborately decorated event.

Gia rode in a car with other girls who were meeting their dates at the Academy gates, and admittedly felt rather alone. When she saw Altina waiting for her with other students, her spirits began to lift.

"Allow me to help you Ladies out," a nobleman offered, opening the door.

The girls giggled as they filed out, rushing to their dates. Gia attempted to be a bit more composed in her entrance.

Altina's lips twisted into a smile when she saw her dress. "I don't know how the seamstress did it, but I've never seen a 20's dress look better."

Gia grinned. "Isn't it lovely?" She turned so he could see the gold appliqué on the hems of the white Roman style dress.

"You look like a goddess," she said. "What do you think of my pirate queen look?"

With a flirty grin, Gia ran her fingertips over a row of pearls that decorated the costume. "You look positively ravishing, matey." Altina laughed and offered her arm.

Gia couldn't help but blush, carrying her head high as they followed the crowd into the marvelously decorated ballroom. The confection table had bubbling cauldrons and expertly decorated treats, the Magic students had enchanted costumes, and extravagantly dressed ghosts flew around the ballroom - and no one could tell if they were just illusions.

"I've never seen so many Snow Whites in one place," Gia noted, seeing half a dozen just at the entrance.

"I've never seen Snow White, so I'll take my fill now I suppose," Altina said.

She gasped. "You haven't seen it? I do hope you know Disney's animations, don't you?"

Altina shrugged cluelessly. "The name sounds somewhat familiar."

Tsking her tongue, she said, "We must change that. I may be a princess, but I make it a point to have broad artistic horizons." Looking around again, she chuckled. "My my, it seems there are only three costumes this year - Snow White, ancient Egypians, and I think the rest are, what was that pilot's name? Amelia Erhart?"

Altina nodded, smirking. "I do believe we have some of the most original costumes on this end of the room."

"Just so," she grinned, still looking around. "But I do so want to see the other costumes. It's half the fun of Halloween, I'm sure."

The princess looked to her for a moment. "You're sure...?"

"Well, I've never been to a costume party," Gia admitted, "but I know how they work. I hear there's even going to be a contest for the best costumes!"

Altina smiled at her enthusiasm. "Perhaps we should move to the front so to be sure they'll see you."

Again the princess blushed. "Well, perhaps we can stay to the side for a bit longer."

She nodded, not noticing her looking for certain people - in order to avoid them. "I have to try that punch," she said after a minute. "I'll be right back. Would you like some?"

"Sure," Gia smiled. She watched her leave, and thought that she looked rather dashing in her pirate costume compared to some of the others. She looked around for a short while longer before someone approached her, and the blood drained from her face. "Zolton... What do you want?"

He came close and looked her over. "My, you look beautiful, Gia. I've missed you."

She realized that his laid back nature was really lack of attachment, and she glared at him. "I doubt that."

He frowned, stepping closer. "Oh but I have. You look like a Greek goddess, truly."

Her jaw clenched. He was just playing with her now. To make things worse, his new girlfriend walked up.

"Now now, Zolton, no need to antagonize the poor thing," Milica purred, taking his arm.

"Princess, I must say, that feline black dress suits you personality quite well," Gia remarked.

Milica chuckled. "I wish I could say the same about your bedazzled bath robe, but we both know you don't have the money for a spa. Oh, I see you have another suitor you're playing with now. Have you met her girlfriend?" She leaned closer and whispered. "She's dressed as Snow White." She looked to see Altina coming back and smirked as she and Zolton walked off. "Have a fun time, Gia darling."

Tears stung at her eyes and she wished the floor would open up beneath her.

Seeing her changed attitude, Altina quickly returned to her side. "What happened?"

"Am I really such a terrible person?" she asked, choked with tears.

"What? You- your old friends must have stopped by, didn't they? Come now," she said gently, "don't let your self image be shaped by them. Or your father, or anyone else for that matter."

The princess sniffed. "You don't have a girlfriend, do you?"

She shook her head. "No, I don't."

Try though she might, she couldn't stop the threatening tears. "People are terrible. Chivalry is dead, I'm sure of it."

"Chivalry isn't dead, you've just been dealing with less." Altina put a drink in her hand. "Come on, have a sip."

She sniffed again and had a sip of the punch. "This is really good," she said, still sounding miserable.

"See, there you go. Now come on, have a few more sips and then let's dance all our troubles away," she suggested.

Offering her a small smile, Gia said, "I don't think Zolton ever really liked dancing."

Altina tried not to grin, and failed. "Well I do." She took another drink, then took Gia's cup when she was done. "Come on, let's dance."

She followed her, and very soon, they got lost in the music. So lost, that she felt stronger, and didn't mind seeing the people that had hurt her for the rest of the night.

Halfway though the night, someone got one stage and took one of the microphones.

"Alright, Royal Academies, it's time for the costume contest!"

Gia exchanged a look with Altina, knowing that one of the enchanted costumes would probably win, but hoped anyway.

"We have five contestants that the professors have picked out of the crowd. First off, the snow queen with the enchanted ice gown. Princess Ginevra's Snow White that looks straight from a real life fairytale. The island goddess with the real blooming flowers. The pirate captain with the real peg leg - we're still trying to figure out how you did that, Olek. Fourth competitors are the Merlin and Morgana pair with the magic star robes. And last but certainly not least, the costume we can only describe as the teal peacock empress with more jewels than we can count. All of you, please come up! The professors will now do a final vote on their favourites."

Gia crossed her arms, pretending to sulk. "I was cheated."

Altina chuckled. "Yes you were."

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