Viking Blood ⚜ Ch. 4

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Wednesdays were mail day at the Knights Academy. It would have been Tuesdays were it not for the fact that the postman had to drive up a small mountain to deliver it, and the perpetual delay when there was snow gave the little Vanera post office such a headache that they permanently changed the day.

Eirik's three roommates - Daan of the Netherlands, Fariz of Yemen, and Neil of America - were anxiously awaiting letters from home. More specifically, letters from girlfriends at home. His best friend Negasi joined them in their dorm.

"Blasted sleet," Negasi muttered, looking longingly out the window. "I need the practice if I'm going to get onto the Quad football team."

"I hear the Arts school might actually have a shot this year," Fariz piped in.

Eirik smirked. "Don't make me laugh. The only question is if Magic Academy can bring it this year."

"I heard there were more from South America this year, so that might be more likely," Negasi said.

"Speaking of potential game changers, have you seen Babe Ruth's stats?" Neil grinned. "I'm having my brother send this week's updates. The man is a legend! I can't wait to get to one of his games and try to catch a home run ball."

Eirik laid back on his bed and looked at the flags hanging around the room over the others' desks and beds. When his roommate rambled on, he put a pillow over his head. "Ugh, nobody here cares about baseball, Neil."

Just then, footsteps could be heard running down the hall along with someone shouting, "It's here!"

That was all it took to spur a mad dash to the door. The five boys rushed down the stairs with everyone else to maul the poor postman. He'd gotten to the point at a couple of the schools where he delivered the girls mail, then went to the boys common room and simply dumped the letters onto a table and left.

"Thanks Vinny," Eirik grinned as he passed by the man. He looked for Norwegian stamps as he rifled through the mail with the others. After a minute, he found his letter on the floor. He was about to leave when he noticed that further under the table was a second addressed to him. 

Curious, he pulled it out, and recognized his brother Torik's handwriting. He ripped open the letter as he went back upstairs. What he read was shocking.


I don't have long to write, my roommate is retuning soon and he likes to ask questions. 

There is a race fifty miles north of you in southern France on Sunday the 30th. I know how good you and Loki are, and it would be a shame to let this opportunity pass by. 

I'm planning on being there to talk to a man about a breeding mare for my Fjord. If you go, I'll take care of the fee and get you your number. 

If Franzisca is still working there, go to him. He isn't the type to ask questions, and he'll help transport you both. 

Trust me, even if you win - which I really think you can - Mother won't find out.

- Torik

P.S. The forecast for the 30th is overcast.

The prince's mind reeled as he read and re-read the letter. Was his brother really asking him to run away from school, trick the stable master into helping him, and enter a French horserace?

It was too dangerous to mail his absolute answer - yes!

Despite the weather, he donned a jacket and rushed back downstairs. 

"Where are you going?" Negasi asked with a raised brow.

He threw over his shoulder, "Stables!"

His friend sighed. "Typical."

Eirik rushed out to the stables - which were conveniently close to the dorms. He wanted to find Master Franzisca to make sure he hadn't made plans for the weekend.

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