Steel & Gold ⚜ Ch. 3

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Darius wrote quickly, pretended to take notes in economics class. As soon as his message was done, he folded the page and slyly passed it to the nobleman in front of him, who passed it to Haraz. The professor droned on for another minute, and he counted as many chalk marks on the board as he could before the nobleman slipped the note under the desk again.

He opened the note to read his friend's response, and had to stifle a grin at Haraz' humorous description of the Environmentalist Club that frequently held spirited rallies in the hallways. He was writing out a response when the professor hemmed.

"Prince Darius? Would you care to share with us what you're writing so intently?"

He looked up to see her approaching his desk. "Apologies, Dame Sarran." Glancing down, he put his quill back into the inkwell, embarrassedly picking it back up when it fell out onto his desk. "I confess that my focus isn't entirely on the socio-economic factors that lead to recession."

She pursed her lips. "And what exactly is your mind on?"

His voice lowered slightly. "You see, my sister Soreya recently married a cousin of the Arabian Sultan. Your insightful lecture reminded me of the difficult economic situation their district currently finds themselves in, with the threat of recession very real. I always worry for her safety, and, well... You can read it for yourself, if you like."

Behind Dame Sarran's back, Haraz shook his head in panicked confusion as Darius picked up the letter on his desk and held it out to the professor.

She took it with a raised brow, and Haraz chewed his lip as she began to read it aloud from the point her eye fell. "...and it still feels wrong that I am not there to help protect you. You were always my lifeline after mother died..." The professor trailed off. "Oh, I see I was mistaken in thinking you were causing trouble. Please forgive me, Prince Pahlavi." She handed him the letter back and said, "As much as I appreciate your familial devotion and concerns, I would most appreciate it if you would write your letters on your own time, your highness."

Darius nodded. "Of course, Dame Sarran. My sincerest apologies."

The professor returned to the front of the classroom, and Haraz looked back with a dropped jaw. Darius subtly gestured for him to turn around, putting his elbows on the desk hiding his smirk behind his hands.

When the lecture was over and class dismissed, Haraz beat Darius to the door.

"Alright, how did you do that?" he asked incredulously. "I saw you had the note page on your desk. How did you manage to switch them out?"

Darius just smirked as he pushed past him and started down the hall. "Did your eyes ever leave the page?"

He could see the wheels turning in his friend's head. "No... Well, for about two seconds when you dropped your quill-"

"Exactly. I used the moment's distraction to take the letter out of the desk, moving my other note pages around as though I had picked it up from on top of the desk. Then while she was actively reading, I slid my real notes over our nonsense. You have atrocious handwriting, by the way."

"Ha! You might have just pulled off the best sleight of hand I have ever witnessed!" Haraz clapped him on the shoulder and shouted to their friends further down the hall. "Dren! Gustav! You'll never believe what Pahlavi just got away with!"

Darius smirked. "You tell them, I want to get an early start with Master Khesar in the training ring before the rookies get to him. See you guys tonight for... phase one."

As he was almost at the end of the hall, Dren shouted, "You're a legend Pahlavi!"

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