Conquer ⚜ Ch. 7

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Was it possible to hate doorknobs? Because the crystal on the Arts school Headmistress' office doors reminded her all too much of Lady Aveline's class. With a heavy sigh, she raised her hand to knock. Inside, she could hear her aunt already.

"My brother is a widower. The poor girl has only his guidance to rely on her whole-"

The conversation stopped, and someone came to get the door.

Raelynn curtseyed. "Headmistress Bartolini, how do you do."

"Ah, Lady Kilarney, your lovely aunt has been filling me in. Please, come and sit down." She led them over to her seating area, where Aunt Aislin, Lady Aveline, and Headmaster Negro were already waiting.

"There you are Raelynn, I was worried you would be late," her aunt smiled. What she meant was that she'd feared she wouldn't come at all.

Putting on a smile, she sat down and tried to make light. "Auntie, my manners may not be perfect, but even I know to be on time. Hello Headmaster, my lady."

"Lady Kilarney. I'm sure you know what we are here to discuss," Negro said.

She nodded solemnly. "Yes, and I'm ready to plead my case."

"Yes well, let's get down to business. I spoke with you father," her aunt said, "and he was concerned that you seem to be having such violent incidents."

No... "But he-"

Headmistress Serafina Bartolini cut in. "He wants to make sure that you are safe. While the Knights Academy has many safety protocols in place, accidents do happen."

"What Serafina is saying is, while you show great promise in the field, we have to be sure you aren't being pushed too hard," Negro said.

Raelynn shook her head. "I'm not. Really. It was one run that I overdid on, a few bruises. Is that really enough to warrant my expulsion?"

"Not expulsion. Just relocation," Bartolini explained. "Headmistress Smith couldn't be here, but I wonder if you might do well at the Royal Academy."

"They would be able to help you grow in ways the Knights school never could," Aveline remarked. "You do seem to be a bit behind the curve in my class, which I would argue is perhaps the most vital to master at any school." She pointed to a display on the wall. "You see each of those butterflies on the map? Those were each late bloomers who took initiative and became something greater than they imagined or even wanted at fifteen. Headmistress Serafina keeps that as a reminder to everyone that comes in that change is possible."

"Your father would certainly love to see you improve," her aunt shrugged. "In fact, we insist that you do. If you cannot help yourself to change, perhaps a reconditioning school would be a better fit for a young lady of title."

Her heart sunk. She knew exactly what they meant by 'changing', 'blooming' - putting up her swords and being more 'ladylike'. "But I'm certain I could do both - do the knight program and still be a lady. Besides, my talents - my passion - is with the Knights. I belong there. What about the tournaments and the Tri event? I've been working so hard for those."

"Which is why I am here to argue your case," Negro said. "You meet the qualifications for the tournaments, which is very rare for a first year. That kind of raw potential cannot be wasted."

Raelynn nodded. "Yes, that's exactly-"

"That could get you hurt if you're not careful," Aislin cut in.

Oh for heaven's sake. "What if I could win?" she blurted.

"What if you could win what, my dear?" the Headmistress asked.

This was crazy. "What if I could win the Tri event? Or the tournament? Would you let me stay if I was the only first year to ever do it?"

Negro raised a brow. "What an intriguing idea. A challenge in exchange for continuation in the program. I like it."

"One injury and you'd have to be out," her aunt jumped in, obviously displeased. "Your father won't be too happy about the idea."

They both knew that was a lie. Raelynn grinned. "He'd love it."

"What an idea," Bartolini smiled, getting on board. "What do you think, Enzo?"

"I say let's make it official. Lady Kilarney may continue with the program so long as she's not injured, and wins one of the big events."

Her aunt and Aveline exchanged a look. "You should choose one. One of the events."

Aislin smirked. "The Tri Event. Why not?"

It was more difficult, testing her archery, swordsmanship, and physical abilities. But she nodded. "Fine. If I win, you let me stay, and you never interfere with my life or education again."

The woman nodded stiffly, knowing the headmasters were on her niece's side. "Very well."

"How exciting," the Headmistress gushed as they all got up. "Why haven't we done something like this before? Oh, wait until Irene hears this!"

Raelynn walked out with her head held high, having the determination not just to win, but to conquer.

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