Conquer ⚜ Ch. 6

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The only gentle thing Raelynn did in the next hour was putting away Rabiya's bracelet. She then changed into her worst clothes and stormed out to the practice area. Grabbing her sword from the back building, she started swinging at a dummy post. 

Angry tears slipped down her cheeks as she she swung. Aislin was going to take away the one thing she wanted more than anything. She was going to sabotage her and force her into Art school, of all places.

Aislin would say she's just a silly little girl who needs to grow up, that she's too weak to survive in a boy's world. She'd make her father feel guilty about ever letting her pick up a sword. Her one passion - her dreams, her hopes, they all rode on this. 

As her anxiety built, her swinging became faster, though no less carefully placed. Her vision blurred, her thoughts made less sense. It was a familiar but ever unwelcome feeling. 

"Rae? Woah, slow down."

She clenched her jaw and kept swinging, shavings of wood flying off. 

Finn got a sword and tapped the pole. "Hey, my turn."

Their eyes met, and she nodded. Raelynn gave her a second to take a stance, then quickly started a parry with her. 

Finn reeled a little with the force of her attacks, but managed to keep up. "Stop. You shouldn't be exerting this much yet."

She swung a little harder. "Don't tell me what to do!" she hissed. "I can't let them tell me what to do."

"What are you talking about?" she asked, trying to be helpful while not dying.

"They're going to take everything that matters to me," she sobbed.

"Who's they?"

They locked swords for a moment. "Why did you have to carry me like I was incapable...?"

Her eyes went wide. "Because you were at the time and I didn't want you to get hurt." Something seemed to click with her, and she realized Rae wasn't quite well. "I yield."

Raelynn forced herself to step back and dropped her sword to her side. Breathing hard, everything was still a blur.

"Stop, breathe," Finn said gently. "Now analyze the problem. What can you do right this moment to help solve a piece of the problem? Just like chess."

She had to do the impossible - pass Aveline's test. Her voice broke in a sob of frustration and hoplessness, "I can't dance."

Finn blinked. "What?"

"If I don't pass the test in Etiquette they'll make me go to Arts school and I'll never be allowed to hold a sword again."

Still not fully understanding but wanting to help, she held out a hand for Rae's sword. "May I?"

Forcing her feet to move again, she handed it over to her. 

She set the blades aside and again held out her hand. "I can help if you come here."

Raelynn's green eyes met blue and she stepped forward. 

Finn helped her into the starting position for a waltz and started to sway to set a slow tempo. For a while, she thought about how to teach her. "Alright, think of it like swordfighting. Anticipate your partner's moves, react, and follow."

She tried to mirror her movements, and Finn patiently stumbled with her when she misstepped. After a while, she finally started getting the hang of it.

Finnley smiled. "I have terrible rhythm and you're still following. Impressive."

Tired and still a little weak from overdoing earlier, Rae rested her head on her shoulder. "Sorry for being crazy."

She half shrugged. "As long as you're okay. You looked really upset. Maybe um, maybe we could go to town and get a milkshake and you can tell me what's happening."

Raelynn groaned. "Only if we take a cab."

Finn laughed. "Yes. Definitely. Why didn't you tell me you weren't a runner?"

"I thought I could do it," she replied quietly. "Hey Finn?"


"Thanks. And also you're standing on my toes."

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