Viking Blood ⚜ Ch. 8

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That afternoon, Eirik was out of the infirmary and got dressed to see the Headmaster and Master Franzisca. 

Negro looked tired as he sat down at the desk in his office. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "This was wildly irresponsible and willfully defiant, highness. Don't you know how much has already happened this year?" He sighed. "Master Franzisca tells me that he was unaware that you were running away from school to attend this race."

"That's true sir," the prince replied, his demeanor subdued. 

"Hm. Well then, we'll impose some paperwork from now on if someone wants to leave the school for private extracurricular activities. But no charges will be pressed." 

Franzisca sighed in relief like a man freed from a death sentence. "Thank you, sir."

The headmaster nodded and turned towards Eirik. "As for you highness, detention for a month."

"Yes, sir," he nodded.

"You've no scholarships to be taken away, and I can't exactly tell you to not ride when that's your reason for attending this Academy." He stroked his chin, pondering what further punishment to give.

"If I may, Enzo," Franzisca interrupted, "my son has taken this particularly hard, worried that we would be put out and he'd have to leave his friends in Vanera, and not be invited to return to work with the Lippizaners. Perhaps, your highness," the man looked to him pointedly, "you would make a considerable effort to make it up to him."

Eirik nodded. "Of course, gladly."

The stable master and the headmaster exchanged a look, and Negro repressed a grin. "The Vanera School gets out at three."

"Yes, bu- Wait..." He looked between the two men. "You aren't suggesting that I-"

"If you saddle up that winning racehorse of yours, you should get there in time to catch him," Franzisca winked.

Stunned, the prince nodded and stood. "Alright... But isn't there more-"

"Go!" Negro shooed, finally cracking a smile. "Maybe if we let you run away, you'll stop doing it on your own."

Eirik grinned and rushed out the door. The last class of the day was still in session, so the marble halls were empty as he ran through. Bursting out the side door, he rushed to the stables to Loki's stall.

"Come on boy, let's go for a ride," he grinned, grabbing his saddle.

The horse could feel his energy as he quickly saddled up, and got on to ride out of the stable. The moment they were outside, he pushed the horse to a gallop. 

The clouds had regathered, making for a safe ride from the hilltop castle down to the town of Vanera. Once there, he stopped to pick some wild flowers, grinning as a few confused motorists passed by. When he remounted, he headed to the west where he had seen a stately old brick school - that the Royal Academy students often referred to as the 'peasant school'.

The students had already been let out, and he pulled his horse back so as to not frighten them. But a few girls walked up to him, so he asked, "Do you know where I can find Landon Franzisca?" 

One of them pointed to a brick building attached to their wooden stable. "They always hang out there after school."

"Thank you ladies." He nodded to them and spurred Loki on, jumping off right in front of the outbuilding door. 

Holding the wildflowers, he stepped through the open door. Seated next to a bookshelf, he saw Landon and another boy talking. He cleared his throat, and when he noticed him there, he just glared, saying nothing as he waited to hear what he had to say.

"Landon, I... I have to apologize. Here," he said, holding out the flowers, but he made no move to take them. 

"Is that it," he asked with a raised brow. His friend looked equally unimpressed.

Oh diplomacy tutoring don't fail me now... "Mr Franzisca, because of my actions - which were selfish, thoughtless, and inconsiderate of the consequences - you and your family have suffered. I want to assure you that your father was unaware that what I'd asked him to do was not authorized, and so he - and you - will not have to pay any more of the price of my actions." He fell quiet for a moment. "Landon, I understand what working at the Knight Academy and with the Lippizaners means to you. I would be furious with anyone who got in the way of such opportunities if I was in your position. And so I don't expect you to forgive me. Just know that I sincerely regret causing you distress."

"You got us in so much trouble." He clenched his jaw as tears filled his eyes. "Everything that my father has worked his whole life for was at risk because of you." With a half-laugh, he said bitterly, "He thought you had died when you fell off your horse and didn't wake up. You might be alive, but I'm worried that a piece of him isn't."

Guilt twisted in his gut. "I'm so sorry..." He cringed as the friend's hair colour reminded him of Rannva. "I've been so ignorant. So selfish and blind, and I've hurt good people because of it - people I care about." 

He paused, not sure of how to continue. Shaking his head, he said, "I have to start over. I don't deserve this crown. I didn't deserve Rannva, and I didn't deserve your father's trust - or my mother's." 

"Your highness..." Landon started, but he didn't seem to have the words.

He was mostly thinking aloud at this point. "Torik and I both needed the wake up call, I suppose. So... I guess that's it. I have to wake up, start over." His blue eyes met Landon's, and he finally suggested, "Let me make it up to you? Prove to us both that I can truly know someone and think twice and be present."

He chuckled, and the sun caught on his hair as he leaned back, creating a wispy halo just like the first time he'd seen him. "You mean show me your good side?"

A small smile pulled at his lips. "Is that all included under your 'good side'? Well, I have to get working on this. Starting with putting people before horses," he teased, although only partially.

Landon really laughed then. "That's a good start. Though hard to do sometimes, even I'll admit."

The prince grinned. "Is that so?"

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