The Orphan Princess ⚜ Ch. 10

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The minutes ticked by slowly. Very, very slowly. The tension in the drawing room was palpable as the royals awaited their turn to have the most stressful cup of tea of their lives.

It was the first of the three infamous 'princess tests', and already there were a few crying girls out in the hall. Although Sririta had already had her turn, the test was only beginning. In the crowded room outside Lady Aveline's office, she anxiously traced the intricate patterns woven into the fabric of her gown. She had chosen a traditional steel blue Siamese dress for the occasion, hoping its formality would meet the professor's approval.

The crystal knob on the door finally turned, and everyone held their breath as another student was shown out.

"Thank you, Sir David. Your performance was adequate," Lady Aveline said, holding the door. "Please join the others until it is time for the second test." Her calculating eyes swept the room. "Princess Mianna, you're next, if you please."

Everyone watched as another victim was led into the office to prove whether or not they were capable of perfection.

The pressure made everyone a bit jumpy, and all eyes turned to the doorway when footsteps approached. Zhang was seated beside Sririta on a sofa, and elbowed her to get her attention.

"Someone's here for you," her friend whispered, grinning, although her own stress was evident in her eyes.

Sririta glanced over he shoulder to see a familiar face leaning in the doorway, and she smiled at Zhang before standing to go see him.

"How did it go?" Takeo asked.

"Well," she sighed, trying to keep her voice down, "my posture was adequate, manners were sufficient, body language and conversation were appropriately engaging."

"So you passed," he chuckled. "Good. I don't know that I could have handled having another tea party practice session."

She rolled her eyes. "Nor could I. How did your genealogy exam go?"

"Considerably easier than this. I'm glad it's over and done with," he replied, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm jealous," she grinned tiredly. "It feels cruel to have to give a speech and dance in the midst of all the other exams."

Takeo pretended to pout. "What, you don't want to dance with me Sririta? Surely it couldn't be that bad. Is there something you're trying to tell me?"

She chuckled, shaking her head. "No. If anything, I'll be glad for it, as it means the test is almost over."

"I wonder," he grinned, "why do they call it the 'princess test' when noblemen have to take it too?"

Sririta shrugged. "Maybe it's because they have to have tea and dance with all the other princesses."

Takeo smirked, then nodded toward the door. "How many more until it's time for the speeches?"

"I think Princess Mianna is one of the last ones." Sririta looked down at the elegant side table beside the door and began tracing the carved pattern around the rim.

"Don't be nervous," he whispered after a few minutes of silence. "You are capable and wonderful no matter what she says."

A smile touched her lips as she met his eye. "I know."

The door clicked, and everyone turned in anxious anticipation. Lady Aveline murmured to the princess and clasped her hands. "Thank you for your patience. Please make your way to the study hall where the second part of the exam will commence. Move along now, quickly. We haven't much time."

Sririta started out of the room and was grateful to have Takeo continuing beside her. More than the usual number of students were present so that they could have partners during the dancing segment. Although Sririta had wanted to be Takeo's parter when he took the test, she was locked into another class' exam. But today, he could be hers.

They quickly walked through the opulent gold and pale blue halls, passing a few hundred years worth of students' masterpieces on their way to the bright study area. Once there, they took seats at the tables under the tall windows.

"Now, we will continue in alphabetical order again for the speeches," Lady Aveline announced, standing at the head of the room. "Please remember the guidelines - no more than two minutes, and don't forget the required elements to cover for your assigned topic." She nodded to the herald, who stepped forward.

The man cleared his throat. "Sir William Darcy, Earl of Richton, Armenia."

Everyone finished taking their seats as William walked up to the front. Takeo sat beside Sririta, and she smiled at him briefly before mentally reciting what she'd practiced. Her cadence, inflection, body language, and words all had to be perfect. She only hoped that her topic would be more gripping than someone's views on the expense of royal gardens.

As William of Armenia, then Judith of Avalonia gave their speeches about the assigned topics, Sririta found herself becoming increasingly nervous. If they did well, Lady Aveline's standards would be high, but if they did poorly, she would have to be spectacular to bring the professor out of a disappointed mindset.

Royal after royal went up and presented their thoughts on trade agreements, ambassadorial efforts, and castle maintainance, and Sririta had to remind herself to applaud with the others as her nerves became more frazzled. She looked down in pleasant surprise when Takeo gently took her hand under the table. Trying to take strength, she reminded herself that this was just a class, that nothing weighed heavily on her two minutes.

After Jon of Romania, she knew it was her turn.

"Crown Princess Sririta Sun of The Kingdom of Siam," the herald announced.

With encouraging smiles from Zhang and Takeo, Sririta walked to the front of the room and bowed, all as gracefully as possible.

"Good afternoon, my fellow noblemen and women. I am aware that what I have been tasked to speak about has an entire class dedicated to it. But I'm hoping that there aren't any third years present, so that my words may have some impact." When a few people grinned, she found herself relax slightly.

"The world, as you know, is sadly filled with manipulators, accusers, liars, and countless thieves. Combined with the additional challenge of our own weakness, ignorance, and inexperience, the task of fulfilling our roles as leaders and beacons can seem insurmountable."

She decided to take a small risk, and allowed herself to touch her locket. "Personally, I have experienced great loss, both for myself and in my kingdom. I have been targeted by power hungry and careless individuals who sought to take advantage of me. I have come to question my own intelligence, capability, and role as the heiress to a tragedy-stricken kingdom.

"But, I am a princess. And so, despite it all, I hold my head high knowing my worth, my responsibility, and that people will try to take advantage of me again. But I will not be used, abused, or broken down. The weight of my crown forbids it. And I will fail, many times, but I will- I must prevail at the end of the day.

"I may be young, an orphan, and in over my head, but I am not alone. I have carefully trusted allies to help keep my head above water and out of the clouds. It is the only way I can succeed in this dangerous, beautiful, modern world. And I will succeed.

"I ask you all, what will it take for you to rise to the occasion and decide that you will fulfill the role you were born to carry? What will it take for you to decide to fulfill it well? I hope it won't be the threat of force or war, nor catastrophic failure, nor pride alone. I urge you to search yourselves, and find the balance that will be best for your kingdoms, and for yourselves. And when you do, your crown, your crest, will be all the more precious and meaningful. Thank you."

The room immediately burst into cheers and applause. Sririta smiled and bowed, catching Takeo's eye. Her smile softened at his proud expression.

"Thank you, Princess," Lady Aveline said, finishing her notes. As Sririta passed by, the professor added, "Well done."

Coming from Aveline, that was incredibly high praise.

"Thank you, professor," she replied in grateful surprise. She quickly took her seat beside a grinning Takeo, and the last few speeches passed by quickly.

Lady Aveline then took a moment looking over her notes again before standing. "Well, I am pleased to see that the majority of you took this seriously and put in adequate preparation. However, perhaps Lord Daniel could benefit from the message Princess Sririta shared."

A murmur swept over the royals and Zhang shot Sririta a look, which she returned with a half-smothered smirk.

"And now, for the third portion of your test will be the dancing," the professor announced, glancing over at the musicians as they filed in. "I do hope you wore formal shoes that are somewhat comfortable. You have several cultural dances to demonstrate, all besides the waltz. Get with your partners, please. If you failed to find a partner, Darcia and guardsman Taiwo will stand in."

Takeo stood and offered her his hand. "Might I have this dance, Princess?"

She grinned. "On one condition."

His lips twisted into a knowing smirk, and he held her gaze as he said her name. "Sririta."

"Gladly, Takeo," she replied, taking his hand. "And the next dance, and the next."

He chuckled as he led her out beyond the study tables to the empty space that would serve as a temporary dance floor. They took the waltz position, and she could feel a slight blush touch her cheeks as he put his hand on her waist.

"Tell me," he said, "what are you to demonstrate throughout the final test?"

Sririta scoffed quietly. "You know full well, Lord Yamada. Let's see, posture, rythum, grace, appearance of ease..."

"Hm, all things you surely excel at." He stared fondly at her for a long moment as the music began.

"What?" she asked embarrassedly after he gave no explanation.

"Do you remember that day a few months ago when I came to see you by the fireplace?"

"In the dorm? Yes," she replied, remembering to hold her head high.

His voice was low as he confessed, "I was too shy to tell you how absolutely ravishing you looked with your hair down."

Her eyes widened, and she quickly forgot that she was being tested at all. Dancing with him was so natural that they simply got swept away in the motions and music. "Oh? Well, thank you," she blushed.

Takeo chuckled. "Of course, Sririta. Perhaps... you would keep it loose more often?"

"You want me to keep my hair down?" she echoed, thrilled and embarrassed by his request.

"Only if you want," he added quickly. "If you prefer to wear it up, it's just as lovely. You're always lovely," he smiled. "You just seemed more... yourself. Granted you were stressed, but I confess that I am especially drawn to you when you are the most free."

She smiled. "We'll have to ride elephants together sometime then."

His eyes lit up at the suggestion. "I've always wanted to travel to Bangkok. Perhaps next year for your service project, I could help you rebuild some of what was lost in the tsunami."

"You would do that?" she asked, touched, although hardly surprised by his generosity.

"Of course," he smiled, a glint in his eye. "And before the year is over, I wonder if you would do me the honour of accompanying me to a ball? The Valentine's Ball is in a few weeks, and I happen to know that you have a stunning red dress in your wardrobe."

Sririta couldn't hold back her smile. They were so lost in each other that they didn't realize other couples were watching them dance. "Takeo, there is no one in the world I'd rather be with."

His eyes flicked to her locket before meeting her gaze again. "I could never hope to replace them. You know that, don't you?" he asked softly.

Sririta nodded after a moment. "You aren't a replacement, just a new chapter." She hesitated before quietly adding. "Someone new to love."

Takeo smiled, and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Nothing more needed to be said.


Thank you for reading and voting on my first installment of the Royal Academy Diaries series!
Keep reading to find out what will happen with the Prince of Persia.

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