The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 9

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It turns out that being noticed by the cute jock prince was exactly what Svetlana needed, and not because he solved all her problems. No, she solved her own. Being with him gave her hope, which made her try, which gave her confidence, which ultimately made her brave.

Brave enough that after the Pharaoh's Daughter ballet passed (and letting the first year prodigy win the lead), she was ready to try again.

Le Corsaire was the most exciting ballet of the year, and very girl wished to be good enough to be Medora. But it came down to less than a dozen who were anywhere close.

Svetlana was determined to prove herself. The part was particularly challenging, even for her, with long sets and pirouettes meant to impress. She wanted to do the routine exactly as intended, and not have to substitute alternate moves. And her intense practicing made certain that she could.

When the day of auditions came, she was ready. Ready to dance her heart out, ready to face Pernelle, and ready to be the person she had always been too scared to be.

Which was good, because Pernelle was desperate to be a lead this time. With everyone onstage for the auditions, she brought her friends and hunted Svetlana down, who was talking with the twins. "You know the story, right? Medora is supposed to be the prettiest."

Svetlana turned, steeled. She had prepared for just such a conversation, and got up in Pernelle's face again, and this time, she was stronger. "No, actually. She's supposed to be flirty and fun and confident, oh, and the best dancer. And you know what else? Raymonda didn't have to be pretty to be wanted so badly either. It's called personality, strengths, wisdom, character, selflessness. Look at the portraits in the halls. Women who you would call ugly rule the world." She smirked. "I don't even see your boyfriends sticking around for more than a month."

The area was silent for a moment.

"What happened to her?" Nahla whispered.

Gizela scoffed. "A guy."

Svetlana shook her head. "No. I changed myself, thanks."

From the front of the auditorium, Madame Selina called out, "Svetlana, you're next."

She smiled. "How's that for timing. Please excuse me." She brushed past Pernelle to go onstage, her heart pounding. Knowing she was ready, she took a breath and went up on pointe to remind herself of her own strength.

The music began, and she danced like she never had. The stage had a way of bringing her to life, and she used that, blowing all the other tryouts away in the hardest part of the dance.

When she finished, a familiar voice cheered, and she smiled breathlessly as she got off the stage to go to him.

Zivko didn't waste any time, pulling her in for a kiss the moment she reached him. "You were amazing," he said as they pulled apart.

She was so over the moon with happiness, all she could do was smile.


This scene is inspired by the French movie Ballerina, or Leap! in English. It's really good! {Merante x Odette forever!}

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