Fire & Ice ⚜ Ch. 8

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Nurse Kirra tried desperately to diagnose the prince who got a raging fever every month, but was completely at a loss.

In his dorm, she allowed Liliya to come with her, caring for the tired and burning young man.

"Things were never this complicated in Gold Coast," they heard her mutter.

Liliya chuckled quietly, running a cool cloth over his forehead. "Alright, now go through your classes," she instructed, testing his memory.

He sighed and recited, "Literature, Language, History, Basics of speech, eloquence, dance, and music, Appreciating the Crown, Manuscript preservation with history and genealogy."

"There you go." She cooled him down for another minute before picking something up. "Here, someone named Olek wanted you to have this."

Ivan took the book she handed him. Before looking at the cover he smiled and said, "I've never been so well taken care of after such ordeals. Thank you." He then looked at the book and grinned. "Know Your Werewolves by Newt Scamander and Remus Lupin? So, A Dog Guide by Salamander Salamander and Wolf Wolf? Hilarious."

Liliya chuckled. "Olek wanted me to tell you if you didn't figure it out yourself. Frankly that just slays me!" She laughed again and cooled down the cloth. "You should have told me," she said after a minute.

Ivan laughed weakly and raised a brow. "You wouldn't have believed me."

"I've heard the rumours from the Magic Academy long enough," she shrugged.

He sighed and added, "I couldn't let you be in danger."

"Nonsense," she insisted. "That's what love is about - being there to support each other. I would have stayed away when you were most dangerous." After a moment she admitted, "That's all I really want, Ivan, is to be with you."

"Is that so, Viscountess Liliya Ruseva of Bulgaria?" he replied with a smile.

She smiled. "Yes, your highness, it is."

His hazel eyes held hers. "That's all I want too. It's been hell having to push you away." He took her hand and kissed it. "I hope you can forgive me."

"I will. I promise. I might need a little time though to get over thinking that either you were dying, or a vampire."

He smirked. "Oh and I think it goes without saying that you can't tell anyone."

She grinned wickedly and leaned closer. "Or what?"

The prince returned her grin. "Or else I'll have to bite you."

Liliya considered this for a moment, then gestured to her strawberry blonde braid. "I'd be prettier than you."

He laughed and pulled her closer for a kiss.

"You know she's going to-"

"Yep." He kissed her quickly before Nurse Kirra had a mini heart attack and shooed Liliya out, and he laughed the whole time.

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