The Plain Ballerina ⚜ Ch. 7

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The fateful day of Raymonda auditions arrived, and for the first time, Svetlana was going in with the determination to win. There were a few third years at her level, and maybe even that first year from before, but she knew she had the passion and precision to beat them.

And she knew that Pernelle didn't.

Back stage, she slipped out a handful of photographs depicting famous ballerinas through the years. The first Native American Cherokee prima ballerina being her favourite. While the academy doesn't have a prima, the Kings' Alliance Royal Ballet Company does, and she liked to imagine being chosen.

A voice brought her out of her daydreaming. "What are those? Are you seriously looking at ballet trading cards?" Pernelle scoffed.

"We each have our own inspirations. You have yours, leave me alone with mine," she said, tucking the cards back under her clothes.

"Look who's confident today." For the first time, Pernelle physically shoved her back. "Stay out of my spotlight."

Svetlana glared at the girl's back as she went over to her friends. She was tired of being bullied, walked on, and ignored. Today they would see just how good she could be.

The audition for Raymonda was fiercely competitive. The third years had precedence, afterwards any ambitious second and first years could try out.

For hours, the judges watched dozens of girls do the same routine. Finally, the third years were through, and she went to the front of the line.

"Svetlana, you want to audition?" Madame Selina asked, flipping to a new note page.

"Yes, I do," she replied confidently.

The woman waved a hand. "Very well. Music please."

Svetlana had practiced this part for weeks, and she knew it by heart. As the music began, she funneled all her anger and lost time into passion that made her dance spectacular. Every move, every turn was flawless, conveying the dream-like story in movement, not words.

The whole auditorium cheered as she bowed.

"My my, another year, another dancer trying to be a Prima. And splendidly so," Selina praised. "Anyone else?"

She smiled as the stage was quiet, bowing deeply before leaving it. There was fire in her veins, and she felt like she could conquer the world.

Until she saw what was waiting for her back stage.

Pernelle and her friends were ripping up her photographs.

The sight was like a blow to the stomach. "No! Wha- why!?" she gasped, tears stinging at her eyes.

"Raymonda is supposed to be a princess," Nahla hissed. "Nothing like you."

"Not to mention wanted for her beauty," Pernelle added spitefully, walking up to her.

A tear slipped down her cheek. "Looks do-"

"You think Zivko likes you?" the girl hissed. "He's playing you. You're just one of his many flings."

Svetlana was half choked. "No."

Pernelle's eyes were hard with hate. "You will never be loved you ugly, awkward, lanky, pathetic commoner!"

That was the last straw.

"You're wrong about me. I am a Baroness. I outrank you," she seethed through her tears.

Pernelle scoffed. "A Baroness? You're lying."

She raised her chin, and for the first time in her life, said her name with pride. "I am Baroness Svetlana Karadjordjevic of Morava of The Kingdom of Yugoslavia."

The girl raised a brow. "Ha. And no one will remember that name."

Svetlana closed the distance between them until their noses were inches apart. "Maybe not. But everyone here will remember you as the mean girl who can't keep her mouth shut." With all the dignity she could muster, she picked up the pieces of her cards and her clothes and walked back to the locker room.

She tried not to cry as she changed, but looking at the torn and jagged pieces of the photographs was almost too much.

A few minutes later someone entered the locker room.


"Svetlana, are you in here?"

It was the twins. Taking a deep breath she opened the locker door, tucking the pieces into her bag.

As soon as she stepped out, they pounced on her.

"You won!"

"They want you to be Raymonda!"

She stared at them in shock. "What... Do they really?"

"Yes!" they cried in unison.

"And you can rub it in Pernelle's snobby face!" Liliana added with a smirk.

Svetlana summoned a smile and nodded. It didn't feel like a win just yet.

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