Chapter 2- Coincidence

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Ty (Deadlox's POV)

I let go 4 years ago when my parents died in that crash. I was so close to them, I couldn't move on. I would always hide my depression behind a smile. I reduced to cutting, yes I know it's wrong but takes away some of the pain. As I finished, yet another recording with Adam and Jason. They didn't know about anything, thankfully.

I checked Jordan's channel. They were really close friends of mine, the 4 of them. They were always there for me and knew about my depression and cutting.their new video was the start of a new minecraft series. I watched through it laughing a little. That is when I got a Skype from All 4 of them. "Hey Ty" Jordan said. "Hi." I replied smiling a bit. "Listen, erm we need to talk about the upcoming photo shoot with Team Crafted, so are you alright to come round tomorrow with Adam, Jason, Mitch and Jerome?" He asked. "Sure" We hung up and I phoned Adam and Jason.

When I checked they could come. I got changed and went to bed. I didn't feel like eating tonight. No one understands my pain. I've moved on since the crash but not much. I fell asleep, slowly falling into a dream.

-entering the dream-

It was Jordan at his house. He had a girl on his back. He smiled as he carried her down the stairs. "Ok Cat, time for dinner." He said. When they reached the bottom, he put her down and walked with her to the dining room. She sat down smiling at them but I know that kind of smile. She was hiding something. She was quite pretty, she had straight, red velvet hair that fell a quarter the way down her back. As they ate they talked about giving her a youtube channel. Her face lit up as she heard it.

Her eyes were a deep brown, with a hint of fun and cheerfulness in there. Her hair partially covered her left eye and on her right eye brow was a piercing. She wore black skinny jeans and a dark blue tank top. Her white conversed tapped on the floor as she ate. "Cat please eat something tonight, your getting so thin." Bethany said. Bethany was 23, the eldest and had always been like a second mother to me. Jordan was like my brother.

After dinner, they watched TV but Cat was on the couch not concentrating on the programme. She was watching something on her tablet. A video. One of MY videos. She laughed quietly every time a missed a jump on the parkour. Soon she drifted off to sleep her head lolling against the side of the couch. Jordan went over and picked her, as he did she was disturbed but for some reason didn't get put down to go upstairs. He carried her up and put her down on the landing, he nodded then walked off. She went to her room, shutting the door.

-end of dream-

I woke up with sunlight shining in my eyes, I sat up and briefly looked at Twitter. Afterwards , I got into the shower, I couldn't help thinking about that dream. Who was Cat? Why was she in my dream with the others. But most of all, why wouldn't she walk up and downstairs by her self? What was she hiding behind that smile?

I got out of the shower and decided to forget about the dream. I made breakfast and looked at my laptop. If this Cat girl really did exist then I should expect to see her in Jordan's video today.

Countdown (Deadlox, VenturianTale fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now