Chapter 35 - Kids again

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Ty's POV

We had spent the day at the villa and hired an inflatable water slide to use over the next few days. "Come on Ty!" Cat hurdles up the ladder and I followed. "I'm recording!" Jordan yelled. "This'll be good." Issac laughed. Just before Cat jumped down, she paused and showed me a mischievous grin, a sparkle of fun and adventure in her eyes. "What if I went down head first?" I looked at the slide. It went down almost vertically for the first drop with a suttle slip at the second. Surely, if anyone went down they would be launched into the small pool below. It was attached to the inflatable slide, a small pool which Jordan had filled. "I don't know Cat. Doesn't look mellow." "So? It'll be fun!" Before  could protest, she sat, faced me and leant back, sliding head first. I laughed and slid on my back, I was halfway down, about to slip off the second dip when Cat screeched when she hit the water. "Jordan you bastard! You filled it with cold water." The next second I heard Cat scream again as I had fallen into the water, sending a tidal wave over her. I yelled and leapt out of the pool. "Jordan, why?" I yelled. The water was freezing. 

"And someone was unlucky enough to get drenched." I heard sarcasm behind me. I turned and laughed to see Cat standing there, arms folded with a fake angry look on her face. She shook violently as part of her act. "Aww, I'm sorry! Here, I'll warm you up." I outstretched my arms. "NOPE! I am NOT talking to you." "Cat..." I chuckled. She walked away, towards her towel. "Come on...I'm sorry, I love you." "You shall NEVER be forgiven". She mocked her anger for another five minutes before she laughed and hugged me. All of us played with slide, I felt like this was our day where we became kids again. I loved it. All of us getting on, acting ourselves, not being afraid to pull off something stupid. "Jordan! Go down head first!" "No....WAY!" He said as he made his way up the ladder, Cat not far behind. "Why??" "I saw you go flying!" "But you're heavier than me! You'll just plummet." She giggled. "Charming!" I laughed as I grabbed a cool drink, soon hearing Jordan's screams. "AHHH! MUM! DAD! CAT'S PUSHING ME! SOMEONE HELP!" This I had to see. It was true. Jordan sat at the edge facing away, Cat was pushing him, he was slowing going over the edge screaming as it happened. I already had my phone out and recorded every second, soon in a pile of hysterics after stopping the recording. 

We went back inside to get some lunch, Cat and I went to our room to freshen up. I walked out of the Bathroom and stopped. Cat hadn't noticed I was in here yet. She was staring at herself in the mirror, her red hair, now dry, hung loosely on her shoulders. She had small white shorts on and her bikini top that she had on earlier. She was looking somewhat concerned at her image. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her, resting my chin in its usual spot on her shoulder. She flinched and gently pushed me away. I looked at Cat, confused. Then I noticed the red on her shoulders. Sun rash. "Are you Ok?" I ask, looking at it then rummaging through the luggage. "I'm fine. It's just stinging a little at the moment." I found the antihistamines and passed a tablet to her. She took it gratefully. She slid on a light blue top that allowed one shoulder to show while the other sleeve rested on that shoulder. 

We ate lunch and decided to walk along the path near the sea. I had my arm around Cat's waist as we walked along, looking at the wonderful turquoise water and the small crevices leading to caves in the headland. "Enjoying Spain so far?" I asked Cat,looking down at her. She grinned at me, "Definitely." She replied, kissing me softly before pulling away and looking ahead at the small building a few meters away. It turned the building was a small shop selling food and drinks to walkers like us. I sat at the bench with Cat, over looking the entire of Palma de Mallorca. "What are you hoping to do tomorrow?" I asked. "Why don't we visit the underground caves? That should be interesting." I instantly remembered flyers I had seen the other night. "Of course." "Hey Jordan!" Jordan looked over at Cat. "What do you want?" "Take a picture." She said. "Pleeeease?" Jordan of up, took Cat's camera and took the picture. She has taken a lot recently. I closed my eyes after Cat rested her head on my shoulder. This girl had turned my life around, she had done things I thought no one could. She was lifting me out of my depression. Cat is no doubt the best thing that's ever happened to me. The way her eyes light up when she sees me and the way she smiles and laughs at things I say. I love her to bits, yet soon I will lose her. I pushed the thought aside. "Oi" I heard Cat say. I opened an eye to see her grinning. "What?" "We're heading back to the villa, you coming to join or stay sitting here? You seemed pretty relaxed." I laughed slightly. "That's a stupid question" I said. "I'm obviously coming back with you." I stood up and we walked back with the others. 

We had dinner at the villa before deciding to go to the village. Jordan had pulled Cat off somewhere so I was with Adam and Alesa. I booked the car for tomorrow, picking up a brochure for the caves. We made it to the small fair where Isaac had told us to meet. I heard laughter and screams and saw Cat and Jordan sitting on the miniature go karts, racing around the track. It was late so there were no longer any children around. "Move!" Cat shouted, bumping into Jordan's kart, overtaking him, then driving off. After she crossed the finish, the kart slowed down came to a halt. "Oh no." She said looking behind her. She leapt out of the kart before Jordan slammed into it. Laughing, Cat brought the car back and handed me a token of some sort. Jordan came dragging his kart back. "Come on Ty." I followed her, she gave tokens to Adam and Alesa and her siblings as well. There were 10 karts so everything was ok. "Put the token in the slot and the car should start." She inserted the token into her kart. She had her hands on the steering wheel but because the kart was small, she had to put on leg on either side. I had to do the same putting my feet on the longer pedals which I'm guessing were for the slightly older kids. 

Driving and and racing around was probably the funniest thing ever.  By the time we run out of tokens, my side's ached like crazy. "Come on! Lets get more tokens!" "I think that's enough for tonight, Issac. Let's grab something to eat, I'm starving!" Cat said. We found a place selling crepes and ice cream. Cat got a crepe with chocolate spread while I got a simple strawberry ice cream. "Ty, you idiot!" Cat said. "What?" "You have ice cream on your face!" "Where?" "There" she solved my are making me faceplant the ice cream, it went on my cheek, narrowly missing my eye. "I would get you back. But I'm not turning this holiday into a prank war between us." I said. "Very well then" Cat said helping me clean up the ice cream. "I will." She shoved my chair, sending me flying. "Oh it's on" I say narrowing my eyes at her innocent expression.

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