Chapter 7- A new person

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Cat's POV

As I rested my hand on the arm rest of the seat, I felt Ty's hand slowly relax on top of it. I looked nervously at it for a while, Jordan was on the other side of the room. My face glowed as red as my hair, I was secretly very pleased. As the movie finished the lights turned on, the first response was Ty immediately pulling back his hand. We all got up and left the movie theatre.

Ty's POV

I'm such an idiot! I have to stop doing this, my feelings are taking over. I still trying to hide but somehow, lose control. I hope she hasn't noticed the signs of affection I've been giving her, who am I kidding? They were all pretty obvious. Mitch came up to me afterwards, he stepped in my room and sat on the bed.

"Ty?" He said. "Hm?" "You've been acting differently lately, especially around Cat, are you Ok?" I looked at him, he gave a small smile but showed he wasn't trying to wind me up,"I have to admit, I kind of like her." I say looking at their floor.

After half an hour of chatting her got up, "going to record an omegle video now. Try to keep the volume down."

Mitch' s POV

I went online to omegle and typed in "BajanCanadian" into the search box. I nervously pressed the "start" button. After talking to a few people, I switched to another person, but she was different, she seemed to stand out. Her hands clasped to her mouth. "You're Bajancanadian, the BajanCanadian." She said nearly falling off her seat. "Hi there." I say a bit shy.

She laughs slightly, still amazed at my presence. "So you clearly know my name, but what is yours?" I ask. "My name is Crystal but everyone simply calls me Cris. I prefer Cris." She said. Her hair was a light auburn colour somewhat an Auburn ombre really. It actually suited her. "So, Cris. Where are you from?" I ask soon diagramming realising how much of a stalker I sound.

"I live in LA now but I grew up in Florida." She said happily. "Really? I'm in LA right now. Maybe you can come over to the team crafted house sometime, you seen an ok person" I say. Really Mitch? An OK person? After giving her the address we hung up and I stopped recording. I lay down thinking. I have defiantly gone mad. Then again Ty literally met Cat yesterday and is planning to ask her out. Well I don't want creep Cris out so I'll play it cool for a week or so, keep her away from Jason. I know what he's like with girls. Then ask her out.

Seriously though, how am I going to keep Jason away. He's a nice guy and all but it's quite clear to all of us Ty wants Cat yet Jason keeps looking at her. He does the same to almost all of our girlfriends. No, he's not a bad person, he's just at that awkward stage of his life. No kidding I will have to make sure he doesn't take Cris.

Her eyes will make anyone seem like they are flying, they are a emerald green with a tint of blue. They light up whenever she laughs, which I like. None of previous girlfriends seemed to have a good sense of human. Maybe I have finally found my other half.

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