Chapter 25 - Parents

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Cat's POV

We arrived at Jordan's place and as soon as we parked I recognised my parents car. I climbed out and Ty squeezed my hand reassuringly. "It'll be ok." He whispered, though I could hear the tension in his voice. He had done his best appearance wise. I told him dress casually but he of course added some formality into it. Ty wore his skinny jeans but he wore one of his formal shirts. His red one in fact. The one I first saw him in. And as cheesy as it sounds, the one he wore when he fell in love with me. 

I opened the door slowly and heard voices in the lounge. Ty followed me. He wiped his palms on his jeans, he was definitely nervous about this. I walked into the lounge. I was attacked by Cierra and Issac, they launched at me, giving me hugs. My parents who were sitting on the couch near the fire place started to chuckle. Ty stood still watching what was happening before deciding to help me. As soon as his hands took my waist and pulled me toward him, he sharply pulled them back to his sides, his face going red.

Ty's POV

I needed Cat by my side so I took her waist and playfully pulled her back towards me. Then I remembered her parents were watching every move I made so I sharply put my arms by my sides. It was like it was illegal for me to be even near her without their permission. My heart rate increased just by standing near her. Cat. I have nothing to be afraid of. She's my girlfriend and has been for a few months now. "Mum, Dad. It's been a while." Cat suddenly said, almost happily. "We're glad to see you again. It shocked us a little to hear you were moving out." Her mum said, glancing over at me for a brief second. "Yeah. This is Ty, My boyfriend. Ty. These are my parents." She said nervously looking at me. 

I smiled at the two adults, "Hello. It's very nice to meet you." I said, trying my hardest to seem polite, respectful and trustworthy. Her Dad outstretched his hand to me and smiled. I shook it. Ok. A friendly introduction. I sat down by Cat on the couch opposite, I wondered if I dared to put my arm around her shoulders. Her dad was watching me closely and her mum gave me smiles every now and then which I returned. "I'll make some drinks." Bethany said. "No, Bethany. I will." "Go." Cat leant over and whispered to me. "What?" "Look. I know him. He just offered to get drinks when he is the guest. It means that he needs to talk to either me or you in private." She replied. "He might want to talk to you." I said, hoping that I was right. "Not likely. He hasn't asked me and the amount of times he has looked at you tonight, I think he's given it away." Cat said. I wiped my palms again. "Come with?" "I can't. It'll be fine. Just go." I nodded and stood up. "I'll help you with that." "Thank you, Tyler?" "Just call me Ty." I followed him to the kitchen. 

I got out some glasses and her dad got out a bottle of wine. "So. You are dating my daughter." "Yes." He stopped what he was doing and turned to me. "Then I'm sure you know about her Emphyma?" He asked. I also stopped what I was doing. "Yes. Of course. I do my best to take care of her." "Good to hear. Any slip ups?" "Nothing that I know of, no." "Very good." He continued what he was doing but carried on with the conversation, "You seem a nice guy for Cat, but sometimes it takes time for trust to build up." Her Dad said. "I am aware of that. It took a few days for Cat to trust me fully." "I want you to take good care of my daughter, she is vulnerable and it hurts to say this but has never found a long lasting relationship. Until. You came along." "I will. I love her. " I said, suddenly determined. "I'll allow you with my daughter, but any slip ups, I mean Any. If you break her heart or lose her trust in any way. I will have to ask you to keep your distance from her." I nodded. We both headed back into the lounge and handed round the drinks. "Well?" Cat asked as I passed her hers and sat next to her with mine. 

"I think that went well." "He likes you?" "Honest to God, I have no idea." I whispered. She nodded. We spent time chatting. "He always has been stern around my boyfriends. It's only because he's protective. He doesn't want to lose me." "He won't. I won't." I say. My arms moves by itself and automatically wraps round her shoulders. I could feel her dad staring but I ignored it. "I'm glad you two get along." She whispered. I gave a quick kiss before we all got up to have dinner.

Cat's POV

Ty started a conversation with Cierra and Jordan while I chatted to Issac for a bit. "Does he like Not ?" "Not a clue." "And are you forgetting something?" "Hm?" Issac looked at me, the picture of seriousness. "You have something important you need to tell them. And Ty." I looked at the floor. "I won't tell Ty. Not yet. I don't want to ruin PAX for him." "Ok but definitely tell mum and dad." He said. I nodded. 

"Cat?" My dad beckoned me to follow him. "Yes, Dad?" He looked at the dining room. "Are you happy?" He asked. "What?" "I said, Are you happy? Ty seems a great guy but if you're not happy, I can't trust him." "Of course I'm happy! Why wouldn't I be?" "Cat, I'm not stupid. I found out about your past boyfriends. One or two were very possessive and I won't have a guy like that going near you." "Dad. You can trust Ty. I've been with him for like half a year now. I am happy. The happiest I have ever been." "Good." We finished the conversation and sat down at the table. "What is it?" Ty asked. "He likes you." I say with a smile. 

Ty gave a great sigh of relief. "Thank heaven!" He said. All I could think about after that is How will I tell my parents? We finished and I told my siblings that I needed Ty out of the way so I could tell our parents. Issac took Ty outside. "Hey Ty, I've been looking at cars for a while. What kind do you own?" "A corvette 95. It's ma baby." Ty replied. I laughed, he always took pride in his car. "Could you..." He followed Ty outside. They stood in front of his car. I sat down, my parents sat opposite. Bethany and Cierra were sitting next to me. Jordan was standing near the door, he had no emotion. "Mum, Dad. I have to tell you something...really important. I just have to say, this is absolutely not Ty' s fault. Don't make any automatic conclusions." "You can tell us anything. Are you pregnant?" Mum said, "What? No! I...I don't have enough time to have one and care for one." I stated, years running down my cheeks. Bethany held onto me, "it's's Ok..." She said. "What do you mean you wouldn't have time?" "You're 18 becoming 19 in half a year. You have a whole life ahead of you." Dad said. "No. I don't. Now that I have Ty...and people around the world who support me...I wish I did...but...I don't." 

My parents looked at each other, "Stop talking like that." "I have one year!" I burst. I couldn't hold it in anymore. "A year? Darling you're not making any sense." Mum said as she stood up and hugged me. Like she did when I was five. Whenever I hurt myself, had a nightmare, was upset. "I have one year left to live. I went to hospital weeks ago after another fit. Then they told me. I have a timer planted into my back but I have a dress on so I can't show you." I said. I could feel mums tears running down from my temples to my chin. "Please say that you are lying to us." "I'm not lying. Why would I lie about this." "Because it's not something we want to believe." Dad said, looking equally hurt. "But you can't shy away from the truth. Sooner or later, is going to happen and we can't stop it." Bethany stood back as my dad also hugged me. "We love you, no matter what. We need to help you make the most of what you have left." Mum said. "I agree. You'll be in LA for a week?" "Yes." "Well after that, we will make the next few months the best. I'll took about it to Ty when he comes back in." "No!" 

"Talk to me about what?" Ty walked in, Issac followed him.Bethany whispered to Issac. "Ty. What did you say was better to get? A corvette 90 or 91?" "Wait. Cat?" He looked at me, "I'll tell you soon. Like I said the day I came over before I moved in. I can't tell you right now. But i will. I promise." Ty was pulled out by Issac, he looked unconvinced. No doubt tonight he would demand answers. I don't blame him. "What was all that about?" Mum asked. "I haven't told Ty yet. I don't want to ruin PAX for him. He will find out though. Just...give me time." "But-" "Dad, Ty is really serious with his love for Cat. This news will break him. You can understand that Cat feels she needs to be the one to tell Ty." Jordan said. Dad sighed and nodded. "Good luck." I smiled. "Thank you." I hugged both of them before Bethany said, "Cat, the hospital want to see you tomorrow. 1pm." "That's fine." "Need a lift?" Cierra asked. "Yes. Thank you." 

Ty's POV

Later, me and Cat were ready to leave. Before I could k through the door, her Dad took hold of my shoulder firmly. His expression, was gentle yet serious. "You must take good care of her, ok?" "Ok." "Don't take your eyes off her for a second." "Trust me, I haven't been able to take my eyes off of her since when I first saw her." Her dad smiled at me and so did her mum. I got into the car and we made our way home. What was Cat not telling me? 

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