Chapter 31 - I'm what?!?!

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Ty's POV

It was very late at night when we got back, Cat was fast asleep in the car when the others dropped us off. Jordan grabbed our cases while I carried Cat inside and gently put her on the sofa. After moving the cases to our room for sorting out in the morning, I took Cat to our room and put her to bed before collapsing there myself. The next Morning both of us were dazed. "Where are we?" Cat mumbled. I looked around and recognised my computer setup in the corner. "I think we're home." "PAX is over already?" She asked, looking at me, her eyes partly open. "Yep." Her head dropped back onto the pillow which made me laugh. 

Soon, we were both up and dressed,playing video games together. "You know you need to tell them as well." "Who?" "Your subscribers." She tensed. "Yeah...I do, don't I?" I nodded and put my arm around her shoulders. "It'll be ok. We are going to make sure you have the best upcoming months!" She smiled at me. I unpaused the game but couldn't help thinking sadly about the future. I just couldn't picture myself without Cat. I couldn't imagine myself next to any other girl. Whenever I thought of the future I saw me at my wedding, but Cat was my bride. I saw my future family, two small kids, but Cat was the mother. I didn't want children for a long time. Maybe in my late twenties. I looked at Cat, but what if I joined her? I would be much happier joining her once she was gone than living an entire lifetime without her.

"I know what you're thinking." I jumped and saw Cat. "You're making that face you make when your trying hard to picture something." She said. "But did it give away what I was thinking about." I said. "It didn't have to. You have to try to move on Ty, I can't stick around forever, no one can." I sighed.  "I always struggle when it comes to that. I still haven't moved on properly from my parents death." I was looking at the floor, not letting the thought of that day cross my mind. "Well, I don't blame you, it's different. They were family and you were much closer to them than you are to me." "No. That is where you're wrong! You mean the world to me! You are the person I am closest to. When you're gone, I won't be able to function anymore!" I had my head in my hands. Cat suddenly held my face in her hands. "Yes, you will! Because when I go, you will not follow me. Am I clear? I want you to live your life the fullest and live it like I never could. Do you understand me?" I nodded, looking into her eyes which were gradually starting to fill with tears. 

We spent the next few seconds calming down before she slowly closed the gap. I pulled her onto my lap and we remained there for some time. We were forced to pull apart when we heard the door go. Cat slid off my lap and went to answer it. My eyes followed her, she wore grey sweatpants and one of my black shirts that had 'DeadloxMC' written across the chest in green bubble writing. She came back in the room with her father. "He wants to talk to you about the upcoming months." She said. I nodded at Mike (not sure of that is Venturian's dad's real name but I'm using it anyways.) Cat left the room, her red hair tied back into a little red ponytail. 

Cat's POV

I sat on Ty's desk chair and swivelled round for a bit while the voices were muffled downstairs. I'm glad they get along well, I know how protective Dad is. Sadie, one of Ty's cats jumped onto my lap and settled. I stroked her as she purred away. Dad always wanted what was best for me. He always kept a close eye on me. When I was little he would yell if I was caught climbing the stairs, but soon after forgave me and started talking about how worried all of them were. It came to high school and everyone around me was getting together so I confided in my parents, my Dad said he would make sure I got the perfect guy. Which right now, I have. But I didn't meet Ty through high school. When Year 9 came, my options year, I was flunking as I couldn't concentrate and my Emphyma was at a bad stage, so I dropped out and was home schooled by my mum, I could concentrate a lot more, I sat the exams and ended up with a B, four A's and three A*'s. 

Countdown (Deadlox, VenturianTale fan fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें