Chapter 12 - Drunken Mess

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Ty's POV

Well. The last course of weeks have been eventful. Ever since that night, I have been drinking lots, all of Team Crafted say I have a problem, I drink every night, sometime during the day. I know it's stupid but it drowns away my problems, it helps. There is a big downside though. If Cat EVER found out...I don't know....She'd hate me.

I threw away another can of bear and lay back on the couch, dazed, looking at the TV screen. Just then, my phone rang.

T=Ty C=Cat

T=Hey Cat. What's up?

C=Nothing much, just called to see if you're ok.

T=Fine. How are you feeling.

C= A lot better thanks. I don't feel like carp anymore but I'm not completely out of the woods yet.

T= Well I'm glad to know you're better, you definitely sound stronger.

C= Yep. Anyway, Adam rang, earlier. Said to keep an eye on you.

T= It's nothing, I've just had a bit of an existential crisis. That's all.

C=Ok. Well if there's thing wrong, you can tell me. I have to go now but I'll hopefully see you soon. Bye.


I hung up and put the phone on the coffee table. I feel so guilty. I had told all of the team that I'll handle this, just not to tell Cat. Jordan came over later on and saw me on the couch. Oh no. I had left several empty cans of beer on the coffee table. Shit. He looked at them and then stared at me. "Ty?"

"Umm...hi" I say, not looking him in the eyes. "Why...?" He said. "It helps. I know it's bad but it helps." I stutter. "No Ty. It doesn't." He said helping me up. "Come on." He said leading me to the door. "Where are we going?" I ask suddenly scared. I he taking me to theirs to break the news to Cat? "I'm taking you to a rehabilitation centre. You need help." He said.

I sat awkwardly in the car. "Please don't tell Cat." I say out of the blue. "I'm sorry, but I have to." "No you don't!" "Yes I do. She's your girlfriend and deserves to know." Jordan argued, parking.

Cat's POV

I was so excited. Soon I will get that tattoo I wanted! The Thai lotus plant. I had been booked in for it to be done in a few days. I looked at the comments to some videos:

Cat! IRL vid. NOW!

Funny stuff!

Is this Venturian' s sister?

Heard that @Catwithredfur and @DeadloxMC are going out. ^.^

Really?! OMG! #...Catlox?

I smiled at these comments. Should I do a IRL video. I know. My first IRL video will be my 1 million subscribers special. Not far away. I looked the clock. Jordan should have been back half an hour ago. He slammed the door when he came in and started talking to Bethany. I heard his angry whispers and harsh words were said. Bethany gasped at one point and then I heard Jordan coming upstairs.

"Cat. We need to talk..." He said slowly. "What?" I ask. "It's Ty...You won't be able to see him fir a couple weeks." I looked at his face and there was no signs of pulling my leg or anything. Tears started stinging in my eyes. "What?" "He's in rehab." Jordan continued. He looked at the wall, Ty had been like a brother to him. "We have to get him out!" I say and start heading to my bedroom door. "No...Cat..." "Jordan, Please!" "No, Cat" I kicked and screamed as he wouldn't let me get through the doorway. I ended up having a bit of a fit. I breathed deeply as Jordan put the thing over my face. (Idk...a mask?)

"Cat...We can't get him out. I was the one who put him in there." Jordan said, taking it away afterwards. "Jordan, how could you? There's nothing wrong with him!" I say, crying. "Yes there is...hopefully he'll sober up." "W-what?" I ask looking at him. "He's a bloody drunk. That's what." Jordan said. He sat on the bed beside me and started crying himself. I hugged him. "Please tell me your kidding. Ty's not a drunk. He can't be..." I force out. "I'm afraid I'm not. He's got a serious drinking problem."

After the ordeal, he left my room and went downstairs. I heard the front door close. After a while I got ready for bed. Bethany came up to check on me. "Are you Ok, Cat?" She asked quietly. I shook my head. "It's ok. He'll be back." She said, comforting me. "He's not really in rehab. Is he?" I asked, still hoping this wasn't real. "I'm sorry. But it's true. Jordan's gone and got some clothes for him." She replied. "How long will he be gone?" "3 months." "Can I see him? As in visit him?" I ask, raising my hopes. "Probably not a good idea. Jordan said himself, he doesn't look well. You didn't handle it very well when you find out so-" "Please, Bethany!" "I don't know. Maybe I could sneak you out when I get a few presents for him." "Thank you!" I hug her tightly before lying back. "He's such an idiot." I say while she leaves the room.

Ty's POV

So here I am. The Rehab Centre. Not as bad as I thought it would be but it's eerily played out and it makes me guilty to think of. I sit in my room. On the bed. I had my head in my hands, Jordan was coming soon with my clothes and such, by now he would have broken the news to Cat. I'm a fucking mistake. That's all I am. Cat probably wants nothing to do with me anymore, I have lost trust from the friends I hold close and I have to stick here for the next three months without seeing Cat.

I'm such a drunken mess.

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