Chapter 58 - Come on

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Adam's POV

It was all such a big mess and I really shouldn't get involved. But Ty is my best friend. I owe him for being there for me after many downfalls in my life. Like when Dawn cheated on me. The door opened and Mike stood there. "Adam?" "Mike- I uh, I came about Cat. I heard the news and wanted to see if she was ok." He looked behind him a second. "Maybe another day, Adam." "Ty is really upset. He wants to see her again. He's heartbroken and all he's been doing is blaming himself." 

"Well it was partly his fault." "No,no. I think there's a mistake there. The thing we should be blaming is the wrong treatment. Not Ty. Not Cat. Not even the doctors. They were taught wrong on how to deal with that situation." Mike remained silent. "Ty wants his girlfriend. I've never seen him so happy. Cat will be gone soon and if amends aren't made when that happens. Ty will break more than when his parents passed away, and-No disrespect or anything- but I doubt Cat will go peacefully without Ty being there with her." The only response I was given was a nod. "Does she want to come over to mine? Alesa is worried also."

Mike shook his head. "Cat is in no condition to be going outside. Not for a while." I froze. "What?" "She's...not been eating lately." I could just imagine what Ty's reaction would be when hearing this. "What do you mean? Why?" "We're going to the doctors to find out. She's refusing to eat anything. That's all we know." I soon had to leave as it was getting late and I needed to make sure that Ty was also ok.

Ty's POV

Adam came back. He looked more worried which meant that he clearly wasn't successful. "Adam?" "I think Mike may just have seen a bit clearer. But no one is allowed to see Cat. I wasn't so I doubt you will be." I looked at the ground sighing sadly.  "I'm sorry, Adam." "It's ok. You've done nothing wrong. Though I have some bad news." I looked at him. Confused. "What bad news?" He looked at me with pity and there was fear in his eyes. "She's refusing to eat. Apparently she hasn't eaten anything all week." 

I felt my body shake. Cat was putting herself in a lot of danger. "What....why would  do that?" "They don't know yet. They're taking her to a doctor." I nodded. Cat really needs me. And I'm just being a coward in the background. Maybe I should  and see her. I could try and make her better. Then I had doubts. But Adam didn't get to see her and Mike has more trust in him than me. And after all the shit I've done, I doubt Cat will want to see me. 

Mike's POV

The next day, I went to the doctors with Cat, she needed to get checked up after her recent miscarriage. We were in the car, Cat looked very pale and very thin. She still refused to eat. We even tried to give her her favourites. Foods such as chocolate, marshmallows, cookies and ice cream. But she didn't seem tempted in the slightest. Not only that but her face was constantly down, she didn't smile, she didn't show any expression at all, she didn't talk and it was almost like she was refusing to breath.

We didn't say anything until we got to the doctors. There. Doctor May greeted us letting us in. "You wanted a check up? I'm going to need details. How did the transfusion go?" I saw Cat look up a second. "Not very well." She then said, looking at Cat's sad expression. She did a blood test, a pulse test, a temperature test, a protein test, an iron test and a glucose test" "all the results so far have been very good, no illnesses with her system." Dr May then got Cat to stand on the scales. Worriedly shaking her head as Cat returned to her seat. "Her weight is dangerously low, have you not been eating as much?" "She hasn't been eating at all." Dr May nodded. "It's common for a woman to go through depressive stages after the loss of a child. It should wear off, for the time being, offer her small portions of food and not full plates. Eventually she should get her hunger back."

Cat went to go back to the car, I stayed behind. "Doctor...could there be another reason. As to why she's starving herself?" "Possibly. There are many causes for eating disorders such as this. It may include stress or lack of sleep, post traumatic stress or maybe even a sudden heartbreak." I nodded, re thinking, maybe Cat did need Ty. I wasn't too sure . I just took Cat home and repeated everything to Paula. "Maybe...maybe we should let her see him. For her sake. She may start eating again after that." Paula suggested. I gave it some thought. Possibly. Cat did look very ill, and I want what's best for her. 

"Mike. I need to talk to you- About Ty and Cat." I looked over at Paula. "I was talking to Cat the other day. Did you notice the ring she wears?" I stared for a moment, confused. "Ring? Cat doesn't wear any jewellery other than her piercings." "Mike for the past few months she's been wearing a promise ring Ty gave to her." I was shocked. I'd never seen the ring. "Mike, maybe we haven't been paying attention. Maybe it's because of our lack of attention that Ty ran away, because we weren't paying enough attention to see that was the moment Cat needed him most." I nodded. I called over Bethany and told her to message Adam asking if he could have Cat round the next day- from what I'd gathered- Ty had run away to Adam's house and stayed with him. 

Cat's POV

I curled up in bed, wanting the feeling of Ty's arms around me again. I felt safe with him. I looked at my phone. He had read all of my messages but replied to none. I messaged once more:

No matter what you think you've done. It was an accident, I love you and that will never change. I hope you'll come home soon. I miss you, Ty xxx

I put my phone down and looked at my ring, letting the red stone shine in the moonlight, I closed my eyes-


I woke up next to Ty, he smiled at me. "Morning little red." He said. I laughed as he kissed me. "You don't call me that" I giggled. "Well what can I call you-Catori?" I gave him a fake angry look. "You can call me Cat." "What out Beautiful?" I laughed, playfully pushing his face away from mine as he tried to kiss me. He gently moved my hand and turned it so we both looked at the ring. "You would make a beautiful bride, you know." "You will be a gorgeous groom." He smiled, holding my hand in his and moving he had his arms around me. "I love you. " He whispered. 

*End of Flashback*

My phone went off, I expected to be Alesa or Adam but my heart raced when I read Ty's name. 

Please stay safe for me

It wasn't much but it was something. I tried to make sense of it. What did he mean, 'stay safe?' Did he know I was starving myself? It then hit me. He'd be heartbroken if he saw me like this. I've let him down. Just like everyone else. I responded, hoping I'd get a reply.

I'm sorry

No reply. No I love you. No I miss you. No question, not even a disappointed text went across my screen. I sighed for the hundredth time before curling up and going to sleep.

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