Chapter 18 - A close call

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Ty's POV

I wanted to stay in for the night. I was up in my room, looking at Twitter. Word had got out that me and Cat were dating and so many people were shipping. Others said they preferred one of my previous girlfriends and there was something 'odd' about Cat. I shook my head and stared at the ceiling. Suddenly thoughts shot through my head, horrible ones....What is the point in life. I looked at my wrists, these scars won't leave me unless...No. stop it. Existential crisis, ignore it. They kept coming back until I couldn't take it. Every good thought I had, even Cat, had gone and I headed to the bathroom with my pocket knife. "May as well do the world a favour..."

Cat's POV

I heard faint sobbing through the door and I instantly had many predictions on what he was doing. I started banging on the door. "Ty! No! Let me in, we can sort something out!" I screamed. Still no one came to answer the door. That's it.

I took a few steps back. There is a 65% chance I will get a fit from this but it has to be done. I took a deep breath before running and throwing my entire body weight at the front door. The lock broke and the door flung open. I was unharmed so I went in and headed upstairs. "Ty?" I say gently. The sobs stopped and I heard something fall. I sprinted to the bathroom, it wasn't locked. I looked in and saw Ty slumped to the ground. I screamed before rushing to his side.

"Ty? Ty? Ty! Please answer me! I yelled, Tears spurting from my eyes. He groaned and opened his eyes the tiniest bit, soon tears started to spill from them as well. He tried to say something, but couldn't. He looked at me with sorrowful eyes and tried to hide his wrists. I pulled them towards me. I gasped, dropped them and called the paramedics. Then Jordan. While we were waiting, I stared at his wrists.

"I'm sorry." He forced out. He tried to slit his wrists. Wait. Let me rephrase that. He DID slit his wrists. I shook my head. He struggled but held one hand up and placed it on my cheek, wiping away my tears. I heard people coming through the front door. The paramedics came and took Ty away while I was held back kicking and screaming by Issac.

The wait was horrible, I can't even begin to describe Jordan's sudden explosion. Bethany was trying to stop him and Cierra was dead quiet. Issac was trying to calm me down, I couldn't stop crying, why would he do that? "Look he's done to her! He's not just hurt himself. The is exactly why I didn't want them to live together by themselves!" Jordan kept going on and on, I didn't say anything. The doctor walked in, "One person at a time. A request to see Cat first." She said.

I got up and followed her to where he was, ignoring Jordan's constant shouting. Ty was awake and brightened up when he saw me enter. I shook my head and sat down. "Cat..." "No, Ty. I can't let you keep doing this to yourself." I say, still crying. "Things got out of hand..." "YES, YES THEY DID, DO YOU KNOW HOW SCARED WE ARE? AND ITS ALL BECAUSE OF ME!" I yelled. He shuffled back, startled at my outburst. I buried my face in my hands, his arm went around me. "Jordan was right. All I do is make your depression worse. I don't want to worsen your mental state so..." I begin to say before I stopped. What am I doing? This is the best for Ty, but this will break him. I have to. Ty was already ing the gist of what I was leading up to. "Please don't break up with me Cat!" He said. "its the best thing for you. It'll help. I don't want to be the thing that worsens your state." "Breaking up with me will. Please Cat, I'm begging! you." He whimpered. I leant over and kissed him, he tried to cling on to me but i was already walking away. "Cat!" I left the room crying my eyes out. Jordan avant particularly happy when he saw me but understood and afterwards took me home to get over the break up. I kept asking myself the same obvious question. What have I done?

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