Chapter 57 - Need

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Ty's POV

I sat on the couch, my head in my hands, I felt cold, yet everything was burning. Tears burned my eyes, making me blink to get them away. I heard footsteps. "Ty, I brought you some water, you must be parched." A water glass was placed on the table in front of me. I didn't touch it. "Care to tell me what happened?" I looked up at Adam. "They all hate me now, Adam. I fucked up big was an accident." "Woah Ty, who hates you? Surely not Cat?" "I don't know about Cat but her family hates me." Her name felt like sweetness on my tongue, but a sad sort. "I'll never see her again. It's all my fault." Adam sat next to me, his arm on my shoulder. "It's a bit early to be saying shit like that. And Cat has forgiven you, so surely her family can too. Go back tomorrow morning and they'll have cooled down." I shook my head, it was aching. "Adam it's bigger than that. I got her pregnant." He froze for a minute. "What?" "I got Cat pregnant, she was given the wrong treatment so she went to hospital bleeding. Seven hours later I'm told of it and that we'd lost it. Cat didn't want a baby, I wasn't ready for one either. But." "But?" "Adam, the look she had, it still hurt her. I hurt her." Adam sat back, probably trying to take it all in. "And how do you feel about it? Losing your child?" I thought, I'd been more focused on Cat that it only just hit me. Something I wanted with Cat in future. It was no more. I let it all happen...What would I be like as a real parent? 

"It hurts me as well. Losing someone special is never easy. I haven't just lost our child. I screwed up enough to lose Cat as well." My phone buzzed, I read the message. 

Ty please come home! Where are you?

I locked my phone. "Ty, she seems really worried. You need to go back. You haven't lost her." "Adam I can't, I can't be with her, it's like if Alesa's entire family hated you." "But you love Cat, don't you?" "You have no fucking idea." He stood up. "Then go to her, don't let her family stop you from seeing someone that you love." "Adam, I've run away because I love her." He gave me a puzzling look. "I don't understand." "I'll only remind her of what happened today, of when we were told we lost the baby. All I'll do is cause her more emotional pain. It's not healthy for her. It's better I stay back." "And break her heart?" "Adam-" "Ty, you look after Cat so well but please. Wake Up. Look at those texts", he held the phone up in front of me. "She's broken, Ty. She wants you. You're both hurt so you need to comfort each other." "How the fuck do I do that when her dad and Jordan are with her? Jordan nearly killed me a while back." Adam started to think. Looking blankly at his TV. "Next week, I'll got the their family house. Alone. And try to reason with them. Of that fails. I'll find a way to sneak Cat over here or you over there."  

I was given dinner and then lead to a spare room. I laid down, the small meerkat toy in my hand. It was dusty from being on my desk but I smiled sadly at it. Remembering that day. We were so happy.

Cat's POV

I refused to eat. Sometimes I refused to drink. I was forced to go back to the family home. They made me drink but they couldn't get me to eat. They wouldn't force feed me. I stayed on my old bed. Covers over me, tears sliding down my cheeks. My mother walked in, a tray of soup balanced on it. "Cat? I made you some soup." She said. I looked away, hugging my knees. "Cat... It's been a week." "And Ty still hasn't replied." "Cat...You need to take your mind of him." "He could be dead mum!" "He won't be. I promise. He's just gone away for a bit, probably for your own good. You need to forget. You were together a year and only knew him three days before you declared love for each other." "But we were serious. He loved me even with my Emphyma. He's the only guy who's ever cared about me that much." "They'll be more out there." "I've only promised myself to one." "What?" I held out my hand, showing my ring. "Where on earth you get that from?!" "Ty gave it to me a few months ago."  

Mum had the wrong idea, she started crying. "I can't believe you didn't tell us you were married. We would have made something for you and been there for you!" "Mum. I'm not married. It's a promise ring. He-he said he was giving it to me before he knew, a promise to make me his bride when we were older and ready." Mum looked at me sadly. "He was scared it wouldn't mean much to me now. But. It means a lot." "Darling..." "Mum I love Ty, it wasn't his fault that I lost the baby. It was an accident. A mess up in the treatment. You can't keep him away. I really need him."

She looked at the door sadly. "You're father would never allow it. Right now he's focused on you. And the fact your starving yourself is not helping him. He's very stressed." "Does he hate Ty?" "I wouldn't say hate. He's angry. That's for sure but I doubt he hates him. Your father admired Ty. He's waited for you to meet someone like Ty." "Do you hate Ty?" Mum sighed. "No. I don't hate him." I looked at her, not sure what to say next. "Are you angry at him?" Was all I could think of. Mum shook her head. "Far from. I know this whole thing was neither of your faults. He's a gentle soul, your Ty. And clearly loves you without question." "Do you think he still does?" "Yes. Of course." She looked at the still, full bowl of soup. "You're not going to eat that are you?" I shook my head. "Cat, this isn't healthy. I don't know why you're doing this to yourself, you're already thin." "I'm not hungry." "Catori, you haven't been hungry for a week. Eat something please." I shook my head. If eat anything I'll be sick. Mum gave in, shaking her head before leaving.

 Paula's POV

I put the soup to the side. Mike shook his head at the full bowl. "We need to take her to a doctor." He said. "No Mike, we need to let her see Ty. You're angry about what happened. I know. But she misses him. Their whole relationship was serious, now it's on the verge of breaking." Mike looked at me. "Think about it Mike. She could be starving herself because of us. She missed Tyler so much she won't get hungry." "Nonsense." I sighed shaking my head. "I'm worried about her, Mike." "I am as well. We need to get her to a doctor." I nodded slowly.

The doorbell went, making me jump. "I'll get it." Mike stated. Before, getting up.

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