Chapter 46 - Mirror of Beauty

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Cat's POV

Once again, we were landing on a small plane that took people who were living their last days. I saw the rose pink and peachy orange sky as the plane came to a halt, the humid air hitting me as we climbed out. I was already in deep blue shorts and a black tank top, as we awaited the taxi. The multi-coloured vehicle parked and the driver, a chubby but cheerful man came to help us, laughing and joking, he was very friendly. We all piled into the taxi and he drove off into the streets, houses were towering over us, painted in vibrant colours, wind chimes of shells, leaves, flowers, stones you name it, were hung at each doorstep.

I admired each beautiful feature we passed, I always thought India was a gorgeous country. Ty smiled at me when I looked at him, he had his arm round my shoulder, the plane ride for him had not been so good as he was sick in the last hour. "How are you feeling?" I asked him. "A little uncomfortable but not nearly as nauseous as I was on the plane." He replied. I nodded, "Ty." "Hmm?" "Will we get to explore everything?" He gave a soft laugh, "Sweetheart, we only have time to scope out Agra and maybe a tiny bit of the nearest city." I still smiled at the fact we would be able to thoroughly enjoy this beautiful city.

Once we got to our hotel, it was hardly a hotel, holding up to 4 group a of residents but being empty, each of us had our own apartment. Me and Ty. Adam and Alesa, Mum and Dad, Jordan and Issac and Bethany and Cierra. Me and Ty walked into our room and gasped at the beauty. This hotel was designed to look like a small replica of the Taj Mahal which was only a few kilometres away. The room it'self was a faintly lit one which wasn't too bright nor too dark, each light source was a lantern on the wall, which was ruby coloured stained glass, allowing the light to glow a soft red, the curtains were of red satin and the carpets were a royal red shade. The hints of yellow and orange were seen in the blankets on some funny looking beds. It wasn't a double bed this time, these two things were separate, the end curled at one end, producing a rest for the head, it looked like a funny looking sofa. The orang blanket and yellow sheet went well with the garnet cushion of the bed. 

By looking at these beds, you weren't supposed to cover yourself in a blanket. I stretched, deciding I was very tired after the plane journey and Ty probably needed some rest too. I went to the bathroom, quickly showering, throwing on my shorts and floaty crop top before leaping onto the bed thing that was nearest to the hotel room door. Ty followed not long after, still smitten by the room. "Look! Even this moves!" He said, sounding like a 9 year old who had just been introduced to a brand new toy. Ty pulled on the curtain which went around our bed area, in a semi circle as the place where the beds sat was on a small platform. ,Leave it open please, Ty. It's really warm." Ty nodded, moving it back and stepping onto the bed area. He looked at me with puppy eyes. "What's up?" "May I join you?" He asked. "Ty, if there was enough room, I would be more than happy for you to." He nodded, understanding before sitting on his own bed thing and moving himself so he lay on it.

I lay with my arm on the head rest, my head relaxing against my elbow, well balancing between my upper and lower arm, my leg bent and I fell asleep, the heat acting as a blanket. "Night." I called out. "Goodnight" the gentle voice replied with.

Ty's POV 

I was kind of pissed off at the hotel for making us sleep on separate beds. I me a , with these ones, I can understand they can't be double but I went to sleep with empty arms, if Cat didn't give out gentle and soft snores every once in a while, I would have had to squeeze in next to her. I needed some confirmation she was ok. I wanted to have her in my arms but hearing her was almost as good, and it gave me some reassurance.

I woke up with a dead arm, I got up, walking around while waving it about to get some feeling back. Once it came back, I looked at Cat who was fast asleep still, not curled up but stretched out on her bed in a really cute way. Her head rested on her upper and lower arm, slightly propped up by her elbow. Her face was showing comfort and content, mirroring the very beauty I saw from the view of our window. I took a picture of her, captioning:

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