Chapter 43 - Is that...?

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Ty's POV

I kept my eye on the road but occasionally checked on Cat who was quite happily playing with my phone, resting her feet on the dashboard. We were driving to the borderline of Arizona, where the panel was being held. "You excited?" I asked out of the blue. Cat looked up, her eyes shining, "Yes!". Good, she was happy, I looked back at the road. Cars, more cars...more cars....and Oh! More cars! By now Cat had put down my phone, not many people trust others around their phone but I'm perfectly fine.  Cat only ever really plays the games I have or takes funny pictures. The furthest she's ever got is using my Twitter to see what's going on. 

Her phone went off, automatically, she picked it up and read what was on it. Her facial expression changed for a split second before returning to normal. She put the phone away and sat properly on her seat. Car rides aren't very eventful, but this time, something seemed to be going down. "Is everything ok?" "Yeah." "...Cat?" "Ok, ok. Remember that guy we saw at PAX? The one that stormed off?" I nodded, vaguely remembering him harrassing Cat. "What about him?" I asked suspiciously. "Someone's given him my number, he keeps messaging me." "Don't reply" I simply said. There is no way he will harass MY Cat again. "I haven't and I'm not planning on it." She puts the phone down. The rest of the Car ride was quiet quiet apart from the radio and our occasional conversations. That was until her phone went off again as I was parking at the centre.

"Ty...He's here. He says that he wants to talk to me." I took her phone and read the message.

Cat? Please reply, we need to talk. It's serious. I'll see you at the end of the panel.

"He won't get to you. Trust me." I Said, putting my protective arm around her. We walked in and took our seats.

Cat's POV

I couldn't help but think what Joe wanted, I haven't seen him yet. Maybe he lied. Maybe he's not here. Maybe I am being paranoid for no reason. Besides, I feel safe around Ty. As long as he is near me, Nothing can go wrong. The panel started and I managed to stop worrying. I only stared in awe as 6 of my idols walked on stage. Pewdiepie, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Vanoss, Wildcat and Lui. I grinned, giving Ty's hand a reassuring squeeze. We watched and laughed with the audience, I can't believe this is them. "Alright. I think, sadly, we are done with questions. Though I do wanna point out-Don't go too crazy-that the one and only DeadloxMC is here today!" Mark said, pointing in our direction. The crowd looked and started screaming, some tried to get towards us. Ty, being him, put his arm around me defensively. "Hey Ty! What brings you here?" Jack or Sean asked. "Actually, I'm here with my girlfriend, we're pretty big fans of yours."

More cheers came from the audience. "Yeah, I can just about see her, you've got her wrapped up pretty safe there." Vanoss continued. Ty gave out a small chuckle, loosening his hold, "Yeah, I just ask that everyone be careful around her, she is my girlfriend, I want her to be safe." He said. "Awwwwwww. Ty's grown up." Felix laughed earning more laughs from the audience.

Once the panel finished, Ty pulled me back stage, through some corridors before we came across a small living room-like area. There the 6 men sat, on the couches, on the floor. I shifted awkwardly towards Ty. "No need to be scared." Ty whispered to me. With his arm around me, we walked towards the couch. "Hey! There you are!" Ty smiled, I managed a small, shy smile "Is this your girlfriend, then?" Lui said in his squeaker voice. Ty chuckled while I giggled a little. "Yes. This  Cat, she is a huge fan of you guys, inspired her to become part of YouTube. "So the rumours are true. You and Catwithredfur are actually going out." Wildcat said. "You're very pretty." Lui interrupted. My cheeks dusted pink at this comment and I forced out a tiny "Thanks". Mark then spoke up again, "Don't worry, there is no need to be shy. We're like you and Ty only I don't suppose you two are in need of going to a mental asylum." I laughed at this. "Maybe Ty, but I'm more in need of a hospital."

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