Chapter 21- Almost forgot

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Cat's POV

I'm terrified now, How can I tell him? He spent the day with me, taking me to a theme park, where we went on all the rides-twice! He bought us candyfloss and won me a little red teddy. I had a smile on the entire time, soon that smile became natural. He took me to restaurant before taking me to the swimming pool. At the end of the day, he was driving me back home, I didn't know that untill he pulled into my street. "Ty, turn around!" I shouted, he swerved in surprise at my sudden outburst. "Woah...what's wrong?" "I just...don't really want to talk to them right now." I whisper, looking through my window. "Well. Your going to have to go back soon." He said. I turned to look at him. "I know. I really enjoyed today, and I don't want it to end with my siblings nagging me about where I was." I replied.

"Well, I know how it could end." Ty said, "how?" "I've been wanting to do it for a while now." He said, a smile forming. " to do what?" Ty parked into his garage and helped me out of the car. He opened the door, letting me in. We collapsed on the couch, his arm around me, my head resting on his shoulder. "I'm asking you to move In with me." He said. "Yes" "I know what Jordan said but- Wait what?" He looked at me. "Yes, I'll move In with you." I reply smiling, kissing his cheek. "What about Jordan?" Ty said as my phone rang. I didn't answer, "I don't care what Jordan says, I don't what will happen in future, and whatever happens, I want to make the most of my life and live it as fully as I can. Living with someone I love is the first thing on my list." I say. Ty smiled.

My phone rang again, my ringtone became very annoying. I chucked my phone across the room, and curled up on the couch with Ty, quite happy. We watched a few of our favourite programmes, before he stood up and retrieved my phone and handed it back to me. "You kinda messed the screen up a bit." I took no notice of the cracked screen and deleted my call history. I had countless missed calls from the others, I didn't care.

"They seem really worried about you, Cat. Come on. I'll take you home." Ty said holding out his hand. "They always worry. They have to get used to me not being around." I said, scowling. "Well, it doesn't look as if I'm going to be able to persuade you to go home tonight so I'm guessing you want to spend the night?" He asked. "If it's not too much trouble." I say, quietly. "Of course it's not." He laughed and took his place again on the couch, we didn't bother with dinner and at about half 11 went up to bed.

At first while he was making his way to the stairs, I started to settle on the couch, only to be picked up, "There is NO way you are sleeping on the couch. You won't settle." He said. "Where am i supposed to sleep then?" "Right beside me of course! We're together and we've done it before." He replied. I was put down on the bed, I have no night clothes and I can't show the timer implanted in my back. He threw me one of his T-Shirts and some shorts. As I held them up he explained, "I found them on the floor before I left Mitch's. I guess they fell out of your bag or something. I was going to return them but then... stuff happened..." He laughed awkwardly. I nodded and went into the bathroom, I changed and double checked the timer wasn't showing, I tucked the shirt into the shorts which would hopefully keep it hidden. I walked out and climbed into bed alongside Ty. I sleep on my side and faced away from Ty. I felt his arms wrap around me. I felt comfortable and safe in his arms, I knew I had to face my siblings the next day, but right now I'm really tired and I don't want to stress myself into not being able to sleep all night to I closed my eyes and managed to drift off.

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