Chapter 50 - The Wait

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Ty's POV

I wasn't in good shape to be walking around, so I just lay there in my hospital bed, Cat sat next to me though, her hand in my broken one. I wondered whether I'd ever feel her soft touch on it again. She was fast asleep right now, her head lolled against the side of the chair, her red hair fell across her face like a curtain, her entire body was relaxed and limp, yet her grip remained strong. It had been about an hour since the doctor told me the bad news, I looked at the xray and frowned. 

Everyone had gone back to the hotel to sort out another night or two, Cat stayed, saying she wouldn't leave me until the 10 hours was up. I feel like I kind of know how Cat feels now. It's a countdown. She opened her eye and smiled at me, stretching, "what time is it?" She asked. "6:37" I said, she nodded. "You can go you know. You don't have to stay." "I want to." Cat's cut was all bandaged up and she was told to be careful with her concussion. My head didn't really ache as much any more but my back was very bruised, I'm thankful it isn't broken considering when I shielded Cat, the jeep rolled over it. 

"Ty, can you feel this?" She ran her index finger in circles on my Palm, I could see it happening but I couldn't feel it. I shook my head. She went quiet, "It's only the first hour, Ty, you have 9 more." She pushed more hair of my face, I'm sure I had really bad stubble since I hadn't shaved since we left for India. Cat giggled as she scratched lightly at the stubble. "Why do you never grow out your beard?" "I don't think I'd suit it, plus I don't have the patience to trim it and all." "You have patience  with me." I looked into her glistening brown eyes, they looked darker think before. "Of course I do. You mean more than a beard, you always will." She grinned.

Three more hours passed and there was still no luck, I was still hopeful, I felt a bit better, my hair had been washed, I had been shaved and I was in a clean hospital gown. Cat was back in her own clothes, but still sat on the char next to me, her hand still in mine. It was getting late and I could see she was starting to drift off to sleep, her head starting to lean forward, I would have to lean over and push it back before I decided to try and move up best I could, she sleepily came and lay down, cuddling up next to me, she was warm against my cold body, she felt like a hot water bottle. I snuggled up, her head against my chest, hand in mine and feet brushing against my leg. 

I woke up in surgery, doctors were yelling at each other to pass this and that, blood covered their clothes  and mine as I saw what they were doing. Once they cleared away, I was left in a dark room, all alone, I looked at my new stub of an arm. It was gone. I heard banging and looked above me at a window to see Cat crying against it. Her mother and Bethany were next to her trying to pull her back. Her Dad just shook his head at me. What have I done? What's going on? I look around and see a piece of paper, on it, was listed the following.

Tyler Warren Ellis.              M

19.                                       17/04/1996

Arm amputation- Surgery Failure

Deceased- 13/11/2014

I had died? No...I can't of. I promised her....I promised her I wouldn't leave her side. The door opened with a crash, Cat was huddling through, holding back an emotional sob but as soon as she saw me up close she broke down. I noticed I was now looking from above, I looked at my pale face, skinny body, a blank look on my face and eyes that were partially open and empty. My head was tilted and my arms  flat at my side's. My stub was wrapped in a pearly green cloth, the blood was drenching it as well as my hospital gown.  

I listened only to hear Cat crying as she held onto my body, crying into my chest. "Cat, He's gone." "N-No..He said he wouldn't leave me...I need him, you don't understand! GET OFF ME! NO! TY! TY!" Her face was full of pain, pain that I knew all too well. Even when she left the room, I could hear Cat calling out. "Ty! Ty wake up! Ty!" 

A bright light almost blinded me as I opened my eyes, Cat was sat on the edge, looking at me with great concern. I was in a hospital bed, still alive, still with an arm. I felt horribly warm and clammy, I was drenched in sweat, my hair was damp with it and my gown stuck to my chest. "You were writhing around in your sleep. Was it a nightmare." I nodded and started to tell her about what happened. She looked upset, "You couldn't die could you?! Why did I ignore this earlier!?" Cat started to say how surgery was dangerous and she didn't want to lose me. I managed to calm her, she surprisingly hugged me, despite my clamminess, "I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying here where I belong. By your side." 

There was only one hour left now. I had really given up hope. One hour and no sign of any feeling. "Guess I'll have to cope with one. Prosthetics are far too expensive." Cat's eyes started to fill up as she slipped her hand into mine. "There's still-" "I doubt feeling will come back in 1 hour, Cat." She lowered her head, rubbing her thumb in circles on the back of my hand. "You may have given up hope, but I haven't." She gently kissed my cheek as I was deep in thought. As I thought, I was slow to notice the softness of her hand against my skin, the warmth radiating from her palm. It was only when I snapped back into reality, did I realise the feeling slowly coming back to my arm. 

She stopped moving her thumb as we had only ten minutes left, I put all concentration on my arm and hand, slowly moving my fingers, my hand followed, slowly moving a little. I gave Cat's hand a little squeeze with my now, alive hand. She looked up at me, eyes wide. "Did you that again." I did it again, hearing an excited squeal from Cat as she attacked me in a hug, I went to wrap both my arms around her but forgot my arm was still broken and pain jolted along it. I was happy with this pain, it meant I'd keep my arm. The doctors came and looked  at it, testing the reflexes and stays, nodding that it had started to heal itself. They wrapped it up and said that in an hour or so, I'd be able to leave the hospital.  That's exactly what I did. An hour later, everyone came, Cat had our suitcases and I left with them, to the airport in order to get back to Arizona. 

Cat was careful around my cast but still cuddled up all the same, her happiness was like a small glow from her, she hugged, cuddled and kissed me on the way back, happy that I would still have my left arm.  I eventually got her to sleep so the jet lag wouldn't be too sincere once we of back. She leant her head on my shoulder, I also went to sleep soon after her, my head resting on hers. 

Countdown (Deadlox, VenturianTale fan fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon