Chapter 40 - Home again

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Ty's POV

Our final day in Spain fast approached, today we were going to an Aqua zoo. Marineland. Cat got changed while I-already dressed- looked at the leaflets. "They've got a dolphin show!" "Whaaaat?!" I turned and handed her the leaflet. "We have to see that!" "I dunno...I like the sea lions." She glared at me, and wrapped her arms around me, "Please?" She gave me the puppy dog eyes. I laughed, "Of course." Cat smiled and tied her converse laces. I walked up, hugging her from behind, "One more day." As you may have guessed, we were going to leave today. She nodded at me, we walked into the kitchen. She seemed quiet this morning, what could be wrong? Was it me? I thought back. Her infection wore off days ago and we've had no problems since she took the pill. I sighed. 

"Something bothering you?" Adam asked, handing me a glass of Orange juice. "Cat seems quiet today. I can't help thinking I've done something wrong-" "You haven't, even if you did, she would be acting as if you didn't." "Or if something else was wrong with her-" "Any symptoms?" I shook my head. "Or just in general if she has had second thoughts about what I've been doing." "She has loved this holiday, Ty. Cat thinks the world of you, even Alesa has told me, she talks about you and you're 'amazing ideas.'". I grinned a little. "I love her too much, I can't let anything go wrong, let alone have to let her go." Adam patted my shoulder. "It'll be ok, just stay positive and think about what you're doing next." I nodded, slightly before calling Cat over from breakfast so we could leave.

As we drove for 45 minutes, I nervously looked over at Cat. I let go of the wheel with my right hand and took hold of hers. She looked at me and smiled, her brown eyes glistened. I had to look at the road again but I kept hold of her hand, I felt the promise ring on her finger and felt my heart sink. I had raised my hopes too much when I bought that. What was meant to bring her joy probably now only serves as pain. "Hey Cat?" "Yeah?" "You know your promise ring." "Hmm." "Are you comfortable wearing it? It's fine if you don't want it." She looked at me in shock. "I wear this because I love it and it reminds me of us. Together." I smiled at her, brightly and genuinely. She truly has healed me.

We arrived at the zoo and we had to look at times. "25 minutes to do whatever the fuck we want. What do you say?" We thought for a bit. We decided to check out the exotic animals such as the tropical fish and the turtles. Cat seemed instantly mesmerized by them. I remembered when we were on a date, before she got attacked, when we talked and I found out that a midwife was her backup option. If she didn't have the Emphyma or if she managed to tame it, she would have become a dolphin trainer-wait. Another idea. I'll let her live her dream. I'll take her to see dolphins up close and she can swim with them. I knew a place in Arizona, in the Phoenix area where one of my sister's old school friends is in a family business. "Ever want to swim with dolphins, Cat?" She leaned into me after I put my arm around her shoulder. "I can only dream." She simply replied. We'll see.

The dolphin show started and I pulled her into a great seat in the splash zone. We obviously got soaked but instead of groaning and gasping ungratefully (like my previous girlfriends), Cat laughed along, enjoying herself as much as I did. Every trick they did, every move. Cat smiled, clapped and watched, I could tell how much she dreamt of one day taking part in it. We went to see the other attractions before meeting the others at the bar. I sat down with a cool drink while Cat grabbed hers. She came over and sat on my knee considering there were no more seats. I merely laughed and carried on with my conversation with the others. I was sad to leave, I felt I had made progress today, like I had learnt a lot more. Our plane was at midnight so we started packing as soon as we got back. "Did you have a good time?" I asked. She grinned at me. "The best I've ever had. Thank you so much. I owe you big time." "No, no, no, no. NO. You do not owe me anything. This is all you. Your gift to me is your smile."

She wrapped her arms around my neck, looking at me and giving a warm smile, I leant down and kissed her softly. My hands found her waist and held onto it, not breaking the kiss; it seemed as though we were the only people on the Earth, nothing mattered anymore. I heard someone clearing their throat, I flipped them off but regretted it. What if it was her dad? Or her mum? My eyes snapped open, Jordan stood at the doorway. I closed my eyes again. "Rude." Cat giggled but we stayed together. "Ok, ok. Before you two get carried away in front of me, I have to tell you guys we're leaving in an hour or so, so I would suggest you guys make sure everything is packed." He finished. I gave him the thumbs up and heard him walk away. Me and Cat finally pulled away, still lost in each others eyes.

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