Chapter 61 - Happy Anniversary

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Cat's POV 

I woke up to the sun shining through a crack in the curtains. I shuffled a bit to get away from the light only to land into a pair of arms. "Morning." He whispered, he buried his face into my neck. "Morning Ty" I wonder if he remembers. He looked up and smiled. "You want to lie in? I'm gonna make breakfast." I nodded, settling down. I was settled for five minutes- not even that before I heard a loud clatter and a yell. I jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen, wondering what Ty had done and hoped he was ok.

When I got there, instead of a pile of pans and Ty being all over the floor. The man  was stood in the kitchen, smiling, with a bouquet of red roses (my favourites) in his hand. My hand covered my mouth. He remembered.

"Happy anniversary, Cat." He said. I gave a big smile and approached him, taking the flowers he offered. "Ty...thank you their so beautiful. Happy anniversary." I kissed him, he melted into the kiss, closing his eyes and holding my waist to support me. I put the flowers in a vase before I turned to the stove. "I'll help you with breakfast." "Aaaaaaactually. That was just a mere distraction to surprise you. It's our special day. Ihop?" I nodded, smiling. "I'm paying though." He laughed. We got ready, I wore a black vest top and a red plaid shirt over it with shorts over tights. Then just my black converses. 

We arrived at ihop and ordered, but Ty whispered something to the waiter, who nodded and scrawled something extra down. "What did you do?" "Nothing" Ty said with a cheeky grin. I rolled my eyes. I soon found out because the pancakes we ordered were in little heart shapes. I gave Ty a smile, he looked proud of himself for the thought. After breakfast, we went home. I gave Ty his card and presents and Ty handed me mine. "The new star wars movie in 3D?!" I nodded, and gasped at the game he had got me. Life is Strange. I had wanted to play this ever since I heard about it! 

I was driven off to the petting zoo and I tried to hold all the animals, I pet little monkeys which Ty smiled at. He had said the monkeys were his favourites. He too held them as they snuggled down in his arms and slept, just like a baby would...Ty would be an amazing Father in the future. He's organised, he has that protective instinct, he's very careful and very patient. I rested my head on his shoulder as he held the small monkey. "I love you." I whispered. He replied, giving me a dreamy sort of look. I took a picture, wanting this to be a memory for sure.

Afterwards, Ty produced two tickets for the Saints football game today. I stared for a minute. I saw a moment of worry in Ty. "Do you not want to go?" I smiled at him. "I do. But coincidentally, I got these." I held up VIP tickets to meet the players before the game. He gave  smile, picking me up and spinning me around. "You are amazing." He simply said. So we went to the game and met the players, Ty was starstruck which made me laugh from time to time. The game started and it seemed luck was with us today as the Saints won easily by many points. 

On our way back, Ty stopped by the mountains. He parked and helped me out. "I wanna show you something." He said. He held my hand and guided me to a clearing. A lake, surrounded by rocks and cliffs, but trees and plants grew close by, adding vibrant colours against the Crystal blue water. We sat, watching the sun set, Ty out his arm around me. "Cat...I want you to know matter what, I'm always going to make mistakes. Whether it's when im looking after you or when I say things to you. But whatever wrong I do...I still love you. I always will." "I'll always love you too Ty. Until the end." Night fell pretty quickly and the air became cooler. Ty took off his jacket and wrapped it around me, holding me close. "I'll protect you. I promise." 

Once we got back home, Ty connected the Xbox to the TV, I grabbed blankets and popcorn and  He started the fireplace. Once we were settled, we sat on the floor in front of the fire, Ty wrapped me up in a fluffy blanket to keep me warm before wrapping his arms around me, protectively. I started the game, concentrating on the story and hanging onto the plotline.

Ty's POV

I smiled at how intrigued she was in the game, how curious she was of each stage. I got us food to snack on during the play through, I smiled as Cat ate some, I felt happy that I was able to make her better. I felt I fit my role as her boyfriend. We stayed like that for hours discussing decisions to be made in the game, until the decision between the two characters, choosing to sacrifice one and save many, or sacrifice many to save one. This made both of us start to tear up as Cat pressed the button to sacrifice the single character to save many. It was the sort of thing Cat did, as a noble person, she thought about others over herself. She let go of the controller and leant into me, I could tell this had made her emotional, I hugged her as the scene played. When the games finally ended, I managed to get Cat to calm down. "Cat....It's over. I'm sorry, I didn't-" "I know. I know. I'm ok. The crying is good." I heard her say. Her hand had hold of my shirt. "Why?" "Well, because you're crying too." "Why is that good?" She gave a soft laugh. "It shows how close we are. Moments like this I didn't and would never have shared with guys I used to date." I gave a small smile to her, wiping her cheek before kissing it.   

Maybe I have been the one for her. I mean. If she couldn't share feelings like this with anyone else- it's a sign, right? "We should get to bed. We've had a busy day. Cat nodded, and stood up, turning off the console and the tv. We both went to our room and settled onto bed. Cat held onto me, her leg overlapped both of mine, her left arm stretched over my torso, resting on my chest, her head, fitting into the crook of my neck. I had my left arm underneath her and curled around  waist on the left hand side. She still felt very tiny, I was still working on her eating. I looked down at her, he slow inhaled and exhaled. I went to feel her heartbeat, a slow rhythm, it wasn't the strongest of heartbeats but it meant so much to me that she was still living and breathing. I feared the dag in August where I'd have her and there would be no pulse. When her soft snores are so more. And the warm wriggle being I held and loved would turn cold, and quiet, and rigid.

Not to Cat. Anyone but Cat. She's such a sweet being that does not deserve any of the trauma she is going through or has been through. I love her and i want to protect her, but I'll forever know, there's one thing which I can't protect fer from.

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