Chapter 62 - Christmas and Snow!

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Cat's POV

It was the first year in ages that I was allowed to stay at home for Christmas. No mouldy paper chains, no boring green walls, no dry Christmas dinners and no smell of bleach everywhere. I was at home with Ty, helping him put lights up, laughing as he joked around. He picked up a tree and we decorated it together, I reached to put the star on top. Afterwards, we went about, decorating the rest of the house with lights, garlands and wreaths until our living space was nicely decorated with colours red and green a gentle gold light came from the Christmas lights. I felt a warm feeling inside. It felt unusual. But right. I couldn't help but smile at what was going on. Everyone had smiles on their faces, Carol singers played, warm drinks were better than ever and I craved the nights me and Ty spent, by the fire place, watching Home Alone or The Polar express. 

My family and our friends visited, Adam and Alesa came to see how we were doing, as did my parents. Cierra and Issac also popped down to say hello and Bethany came with Jordan. Even he had lightened up. Tension was still in the air between him and Ty but as for now...they were talking. And that was good. The presents built up under the Christmas tree and my excitement began to increase as well. I'd wake up earlier, I felt myself in better moods and progressing more. Uploading more videos and spending more time with the people around me.

"Cat" I heard Ty call me from the kitchen. I popped my head round the corner, "Yeeeesssss?" He gave a smile. "How's about you teach me how to make some cookies." I stared at him, leading to him bursting into fits of laughter, "it's alright! I'm joking, I'm gonna teach you, it's what my family used to do at Christmas, we made chocolate chip cookies and would eat them while drinking warm milk." I smiled, kissing his cheek. "I'd love to." I said. He talked and poured while I stirred and after not even a second- it felt like, me and Ty both were laying the dough out on the tray. He put them in the oven before helping me clear up. I started to smell a wonderfully sweet and chocolatey smell. "Are they done yet?" "They've only just gone in, here we'll sit in the living room while we wait. We both sat peacefully, Ty running his fingers through my hair. "They done yet?" I mumbled. "Not yet." I heard before I drifted off to sleep.

Ty's POV

I smiled as she slept peacefully, leaning on me. I gently kissed her forehead and closed my eyes, starting to fall asleep too. I didn't realise how long I'd slept for, I wasn't dreaming but I felt warm and comfortable. Come to think of it, Cat was very warm. Too warm. Did she have a fever? I opened my eyes and was greeted by the menu for a Christmas movie on the TV screen, the fireplace running, a blanket gently placed over me and a plateful of the cookies we had just made. I smiled and looked up as Cat walked in, two glasses of milk-steaming- in hand. I smiled at her and she smiled back, putting them down by the plate of cookies. "Cat..." "I thought you've done so much for me in the past that I wanted to give back. I know it isn't much- I tried to make it like when you were younger. I gestured to her to sit down. "It's perfect." I said, hugging her. She hugged back and we settled by the fire, watching the movie and eating the cookies. Tomorrow was Christmas day and I really hoped Cat would like her present.

The evening fell, Mike and Bethany visited, bringing Cierra with them. "Everything ok?" Mike asked, we talked alone in the kitchen. "Yeah, she's eating properly now, I can give her full meals again." Mike smiles. "Thank you." He said, I could sense the appreciation in the sentence. "Also, are you sure you can handle her round about now. It's getting colder and I usually have her stay in hospital where she can be regularly checked up on." "Don't worry, I'm keeping her warm and am also keeping a sharp eye on her. Cat wanted to see snow for the first time so I'm going to try and make that come true." Mike nodded with approval. "You are good to her." I gave a small laugh. "I try my best." 

We went back into the living area where Cat, Bethany and Cierra Sat and talked to  other. It was something I didn't see too often; The three sisters taking to each other. Cat being the youngest out of all three, she was like the baby of the three, Bethany being the oldest, was very motherly in nature. And Cierra, she fit her role as an older sibling perfectly. The three (Mike, Bethany and Cierra) soon had to leave. Each one smiling as they left. "Well, Christmas Eve night, Miss Frye, tell me, what  is it we should do now?" I asked, looking at Cat. "I'm kinda sleepy after all that warmth." Cat did look tired so I carried her to bed, before getting in myself. I snuggled right up, acting as, yet more warmth for Cat. 

Cat's POV

I was woken by someone gently nudging me. Ty was smiling and fully clothed, sitting near me on the bed. "Morning." I said, confused. "Morning. Merry Christmas." I finally caught on, "Merry Christmas, Ty." He kissed me gently. "Cat I have a surprise for you. Quite a big one. I was going to make this your birthday present but I thought you might want to enjoy this longer." "What is it?" "Follow me" he said, I chuckled, getting up and being pulled along to the living room. Ty had his phone out ready, "Cat, see that present? The box with the red ribbon. Yes! That one." I looked carefully. It was quite big and had holes on all sides. I looked at Ty, he nodded, smiling. I gently, pulled loose the bow and then undid the top of the cardboard box. I went on my knees to look in. I clasped my hands over my mouth, tears of joy leaking uncontrollable. I saw Ty looking very proud with his phone focused on me. "What is it Cat." I was crying and smiling, I gently, very, very gently, with both hands, reached into the box and pulled out a tiny, tiny thing, about the size of a Rabbit- it wasn't a rabbit-it was small and furry with snowy white fur, great green eyes, on had a dash of blue in one. It looked at me with those big, sparkling g eyes and twitched its ears. "Cat, tell the audience what it is." "a kitty" I whispered. Ty laughed, "a Siamese kona cat" I whispered again. I held the small cat close, letting it curl up comfortably in my arms. 

It's fur was snowy white and I knew as it would grow it would start turning brown in some places. Ty put down the camera and sat next to me. "You like her?" "I love her." "What 're  going to call her?" "Tina." "Tina?" "Tina. Tiny Tina. She's so tiny." Ty laughed, gently petting Tina. I gave Ty his present, a brand new piece of equipment  he'd been wanting for ages. " I love you. Merry Christmas, Cat." "Mery Christmas, Ty. And thank you. She's wonderful." He wrapped his arms around me, kissing my forehead, gently. "Lets get some breakfast." I nodded happily, feeding Tina along with the other two cats. After grabbing some breakfast of waffles with syrup and strawberries, I drank some hot chocolate- looking out the window. Ty also stared out, he was thinking about something. I could tell. 

We visited my family, exchanged gifts and had dinner there, I didn't have too much but I felt full for once. My dad seemed to approve, my mum smiled and even Jordan looked brighter. Ty stayed by my side, laughing and smiling. But he was thinking on the inside. I know how much he misses his parents and how much he  wanted to see Monique again. Whilst he zoned out, I would place my hand on his and smile at him, to which he would return. It was 7pm when we got back, Tina was curled up on the couch amidst the fusions, almost blending in, the other two on either side of the couch, protecting Tina as if she were their own. I was quietly putting away gifts when I heard Ty yell: "  Cat! Get your fluffiest coat, your gloves and thick socks!" I obeyed, pulling on my white coat with a furry trim around  the hood. I reached downstairs and Ty was standing by the door excitedly. I was told to put on my boots, he wrapped my scarf around me and pulled on my hat. "Ok Cat, close your eyes." He said, every word leaking enthusiasm. I my eyes.

Ty opened the front door and lead me through. The cold wind hit my cheek like a knife, and droplets of wetness hit my face. Rain. Oh how wrong I was. "Open your eyes now" I slowly opened them and gasped. White snow blanketed the area all around us, the clouds were silver, snowflakes fell gently. I looked at Ty excitedly, to see him admiring me. 

Ty's POV

It was an amazing sight- Cat's excitement and bewilderment. I watched her walk around, laughing at her footsteps crunching the snow beneath her. The snowflakes gently falling onto her red hair, she looked beautiful-even now. I played around as well, showing her the concept of making snowmen. I rolled out the body and she did the head, then picked it up hauling it in her arms. I took a picture, laughing before taking it off her and placing it on the body. We grabbed sticks and pebbles and other stuff to give it features.  

We finished and took a picture together. "Hey Cat." "Yeah?" "Wanna make a snow Angel?" "What's that?" I down and moved my arms and legs to make a groove in the snow in the shape of an angel sort of. Cat laughed hysterically before doing  the same. We got up and I wrapped my arms around Cat as she started to shiver. "We should go back inside and warm you up." I suggested. "But I wanna playyyy" "I know but I want you to be warm and I need someone to cuddle by the fire." Cat giggled and we went back inside, showered, and curled up by the fire, enjoying each others company. This had been my best Christmas so far. I never wanted it to end.

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