Chapter 8-It's time

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Cat's POV

After a boring and tasteless breakfast I went into the lounge and sat on the couch. No one else was in here, it was pretty quiet. I play on my phone, checking my youtube channel and Twitter. Nothing new. I play some games on my phone to pass the time. Ty walks in slowly, I put my phone down. "Cat, I have to ask you something." He said nervously. At that moment Jason walks in. He grabs something and leaves the room.

Ty sat down next to me, looking at the floor. "What do you want to ask me?" I ask him. "Cat, your not suffering in any way are you?" He asks, nearly whispering. "N-no." I stammered, he can't know. Has he found out? He looks at me in the eyes. "So your used to the disorder?" "Disorder? You knows?" "Yeah I kind of overheard that conversation.

"I thought I was suffering badly that no one understands my pain." "It's the same here. People don't realise that they had the ability to go out, jump about and mess around. I can't do that." Tears started to run down my cheeks onto the floor beneath me. "Please don't cry. Of all the times I've wanted to just end my life..." that made me stop, "You want to end your life?! Ty do you realise how lucky you are to hang so many people supporting you? Your fans, Jordan, Bethany...How would they feel if you just left?" "Well I-" "it's what I worry about everyday. I try to accept the fact one day my body is going to give up the fight, or I don't survive a fit. I worry about their reactions to it." "Yes but if you let me-"

(Quote from the fault in our stars coming up! Sort of. It's been I while since I last saw that movie.)

"Believe me Ty! Not breathing sucks (stop it), it hurts and you don't realise how lucky you are that you don't ever have to experience that. However, for me? It's once every month of my life! Not breathing's terrifying, I-" I kept ranting until this time, I was interrupted by a pair of lips on mine.

The kiss was gentle and suttle. He pulled away going red, "sorry. I should just go.." He said heading towards the door. "Wait." I started. He looked at me, his hand on the door handle.

"Look. I've liked you for a while now Cat. You probably don't feel the same." I looked at him blushing. "I kind of do. You made me laugh even in the most difficult of times." I whisper but say loud enough so he could hear.

He walked up to me slowly giving a small, shy smile. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I nod eagerly, amazed at what had just happened. He smiles and pulls me back into another small kiss. Adam walks in and we pull apart quickly. "What you guys doing?" He asked us, smirking a little. "Nothing." We both murmured. Adam smirked before leaving the room. "You want to go out for dinner tonight?" Ty asked. Still unable to speak, nodded and left the room. I wanted to collapse on my bed, then I realised.

My room was upstairs, Jordan was in the other room with Isaac and a few of the Team Crafted boys. I didn't want to interrupt. I put my right foot to the first step, then lost the courage. I sat on the bottom stair waiting for someone to help me up. "Sup Little Red?" Jerome came in and smiled. "Jerome! I need your help." I say beckoning him over. "What do you need." "Ok how do I put this? I'm really sorry but, could you help me up the stairs?" I ask. He laughed. "Ok." I stood on the second step and was pulled onto his back. He gave me a piggyback upstairs and put me down at the top. "Anything else for Madame?" He asked l, bowing. "No thanks. I'm good." I knocked on Alesa's door. She opened it and came with me to my room.

Alesa squeled with excitement when she heard the news, "we need to get you ready!" She exclaimed. I picked out a short white dress with a silver belt thing. We straightened my hair, applied my make up. I added a small black hair band. My tattoos were showing. This year for my eighteenth birthday, I was going to get a big tattoo down my back. I know exactly what I wanted. I get Thai tattoo because they have meanings. The tiger tattoo represents courage and strength. I have strength against my disorder, I was meant to die when I was 13, but I pulled through. The birds flying across my collarbone represented wisdom. I wanted a lotus plant down my back, this was to symbolise purity, spirit, fortune and creativity.

I walked onto the landing. Now all I have to do is wait for Jordan.

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