Chapter 13 - Visiting Complications

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Ty's POV

The first three weeks have been almost painful. I haven't seen or heard from Cat, she probably won't want to visit, Jordan had said that she didn't take the news very well. The centre staff had taken my phone and other items, so I couldn't contact anyone. I am slowly dying of loneliness, no one has come to visit me, Jordan had said he would be busy for the next few weeks which I understood but I had hoped Bethany or the others made an effort to.

Cat's POV

(One week earlier)

I lay down on the stand in the tattoo parlour, on my stomach of course. I was given the painkillers and the artist set to work on my back, applying the needles and colours. Cierra was with me, sitting next to me as I lay there, waiting for the ink to set, and the needles could be taken out. "Are you sure this is a good idea? All there is, is a massive black splodge your back." She said.

"It's meant to look like that. As soon as the take the needles out, it should dry fully into the shape." "Oh. Well it certainly looks painful" she said glancing at the needles poking out my back. I looked like I was going through a acupuncture treatment. "Not really."

She nodded and then brought up the last subject I wanted to hear, "So...are you mad at Ty? You don't seem very mad." She said. "I'm not mad...I'm just disappointed in him. He's not the person you think would be an alcoholic." I replied, staring right past her and at the wall.

"You're thinking of visiting him, right?" She asked. I thought for a minute before saying, "I'm not sure I want to. He's in a state as it is, I think it'll make him worse if he saw me." I say slowly, thinking about it. "Yes but just remember, he loves you. You make him happier and allow him to move on. He makes you happy as well. Even if you don't love him anymore, the least you could do is visit him and tell him." She suggested. "But I do love him." "Well he doesn't know that. He thinks you hate him now."

The needles were taken out and I thought more about what Cierra had said. I looked at my new tattoo when we got home. It was worth the money, definitely.

(About 3 weeks later)

I woke up early that morning. Bethany had already got some money and helped me downstairs. We got in the car, it was about 10:00am. No one was awake. We got into the car and drove to the store getting things like chocolate and things to help pass the time. Once we had grabbed all that, we made our way to the Rehab Centre.

I shook as we parked. I didn't know what I would say to him. We walked in and a guy in a white uniform stopped us. "Identification please." He said. Bethany held up a card and I held up mine. We were allowed through and the door was opened. We walked down a corridor and found the right door. "Wait out here a second." Bethany said.

Bethany' s POV

I walked in the room alone. It was like a small hotel room. Ty was sitting on a chair with his face buried in his hands. "Ty?" "Bethany!" He said and ran up and hugged me. Seemingly, he has had no visitors for the past few weeks. "How are you?" I ask. "Not to good. I'm definitely getting over the addiction but..." He sat back down again. I saw Cat lurking by the open door.

She wasn't doing any harm, she seemed to be listening in. "I want Cat!" Ty exclaimed, bursting into tears. "Ssh it's ok." I say, doing my best to comfort him. "It's really not. She hates me now. I let her down." He said. "I don't hate you..." Cat said, walking in slowly. Ty looked up and tears welled in his eyes when he saw her. "Cat!" He yelled ran up and kissed her. I smiled. He had clearly missed her.

"I thought you wouldn't want to see me." He said sitting down with her next to him. "Of course I do." She replied. I put the plastic bag down and went to get Cat something from the canteen (Cafteria).

Ty's POV

I broke down. "I want Cat!" I said, Bethany did her best to comfort me. I needed her. I haven't seen anyone in three weeks and I wanted to see Cat most of all, whether she hated me or not. "I don't hate you..." said a voice coming from the doorway. "Cat!" I yelled and ran up to her. I kissed her, she kissed back, surprisingly. Bethany left to get something to eat.

"'re not mad at me?" I ask her. "No. I'm just, disappointed." She replied. "I know. I'm disappointed in myself. I don't know how I could have turned like that so quickly. I'm really sorry." I said holding her hand. "You don't need to apologise to me. But you scared me and the others a lot." I hugged her to which she returned. "I love you." I said. "I love you too. But please never to something like that again." "Ok."

I opened the bag Bethany had put down and found some chocolate and Comics and other things. "Thank you" I said. Cat smiled and Bethany walked in soon after. I thanked her and Bethany the said we had to go. I was upset that they had to go but happy, "I'll visit you again next week. I can try and sneak Cat with me." Bethany said be for leaving with Cat.

Cat's POV

After visiting him I felt better. He was ok. His problem was going. He's fine. Jordan was waiting for us when we got home. "Where have you been?" "Just to the mall." "And where is the stuff you bought?" "We just looked around." He rolled his eyes before going back upstairs to record. I helped myself to some breakfast. I then phoned Alesa and asked if she wanted to record, she agreed and invited me round to theirs to do a QnA. I said that I was keeping my looks a secret until I hit 1 million subscribers.

I went to hers anyway and set up my recording stuff. We started recording and there were already plenty of questions to be answered.

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